
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Educator is a fully functional ed-tech platform built using MERN stack. It is a versatile and intuitive ed-tech platform which is designed to provide an immersive learning experience to student.


  • User Login/SignUp features implemented based on different user roles.
  • User authentication and authorization has been implemented to keep the users details secure.
  • Course management: Instructors can create, read, update, and delete courses, as well as manage course content and media. Students can view and rate courses.
  • Payment Integration: Students will purchase and enrol on courses by completing the checkout flow that is followed by Razorpay integration for payment handling.
  • Cloud-based media management: To store and manage all media content, including images, videos, and documents.

Tech Stack

Node.js: Server-side runtime environment for building scalable applications.

Express.js: Minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework for routing and middleware.

MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing tab data with flexibility and scalability.

React.js: JavaScript library for building user interfaces, providing a responsive and interactive front-end experience.

Mongoose: Elegant MongoDB object modeling for Node.js, facilitating interaction with the database.


To Install Educator ,Follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository from GitHub.

  2. Install dependencies using npm.

    npm install
    cd server
    npm install


#Run backend

- cd server
- npm run start

#Run frontend && backend together

 npm run dev

Team Members

  1. Kiran Kumari
  2. Priyanshu Maurya