Athena-Hack (Hackathon)

We have built this project as part of the hackathon "Athena Hack" conducted by ATHENA SQUARE

Probem Statement:

Invoice app

  • Create a new invoice.
  • Add line items to the invoice. Line items may include hours of work at a certain rate,
  • work-related expenses, materials, labor, etc.
  • Add notes to the invoice, including possibly how to pay it, where to send checks, etc.
  • Send the invoice via email (does not have to send emails, but if it does, great!)
  • View invoices including status (paid, outstanding, late, etc.)
  • Your backend can be anything and does not have to work. If you would like to use a mocked-out interface, that is fine (even static data in code is ok).

Done by team: UltraNoobs