
This repo demonstrate step by step development of Angular App from scratch using nodejs, expressjs, bootstrap.

Angular js App from scratch:

This is a walk through the entire process of creating an Angular App from scratch.

#Part 1:Settting up the project:

###1)Checking whether node and bower installed on PC

i) Installing necessary package managers

node --v backend package manager

bower --v front end package manager

You will see the version of them installed

If not install them.We use express which is a server side framework.

Create a folder called contacts and install express in that folder.

npm install express

Use sudo if it is throwing administrator error and you can also install globally as below:

sudo npm install -g express

After that we change the .bowerrc file to download the dependencies in the specific folder we want, by modifying the directory.

First create a file .bowerrc in contacts folder and in that file mention the folder structure to install the dependencies:


Installing angular

 bower install angular

Installing bootstrap

 bower installing bootstrap

Bootstrap also downloads jQuery with it.

Creating two folder views and src in public folder.

 mkdir public/views

 mkdir public/src

##Running server

Create a file in contacts folder called server.js

In that write a simple server logic

var express = require('express'),
   app = express();
      .get('*', function(req,res){

Create a main.html file in public folder :

To make server to restart the server automatically when ever we change the server file install nodemon using:

sudo npm install -g nodemon

We can run the server :

nodemon server.js

After installing nodemon, you can run the app using :

nodemon server.js

Including bootswatch in the app

flatly theme into the project.