
Complete End-end mean app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This Mean js app Includes:

  • mongodb
  • expressjs
  • angularjs
  • nodejs

Mondodb Features:

  • Dynamic scheme
  • Binary json
  • Full index support
  • map/reduce and aggregation
  • scale and availability

Running Mongodb and creating new db:

Open a terminal and run the mongod server. mongod Open another terminal and run mongo

To create a new db: use mean-demo

Initially we see that there are no collections show collections To insert a new key value pair(document)into the db db.meetups.insert({ name: “MEAN Developers”})

Check now the db, you can see the meetups db is created show collections To display the data db.meetups.find()

Nodejs Features:

  • Javascript on the server
  • Google’s V8 engine
  • Non-blocking asyn model
  • NPM(Node package Manager):access to modules(ex:express)

Running nodejs

Create a folder “meanApp” ,in that folder create two files server.js package.json

In package.json include:


In server.js

 console.log(“Hello from node‘);

When you to terminal and run: node server you can see the output from terminal: Hello from node

#Express Features:

  • Web app Framework for node
  • Http Server
  • Routes
  • middleware components

#Running Express First, install the express in meanApp folder, after installing you will see a new module in node-modules folder, there will be a dependency created in package.json file.

sudo npm install express --save

After installing create folder and files /client/views/index.html.

In server.js, put the lines:

 var express = require('express'),
 app = express();
 app.get('/', function (req, res) {
 res.sendfile(__dirname + '/client/views/index.html');
 app.listen(3000, function () {
 console.log('Example app listening ');

Run on terminal node server you can see the output on terminal Example app listening you can see at port 3000:

localhost:3000 Hello

#AngularJS Features:

  • Client-side MVC Framework
  • Build dynamic web apps
  • Separate concerns
  • Declarative UI Bindings
  • Embeddable(use a little or as a much)
  • Testable

#Running AngularJS

Part 1: Displaying basic data

1.Create a basic index.html in **/client/views ** folder as below:

 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <html ng-app="meetupApp"> 
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="description" content="">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

  <!-- Meetups View -->
  <div ng-controller="meetupsController">
    <h1>There are {{meetupsCount}} meetups</h1>


  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.16/angular.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.16/angular-resource.js"></script>

  <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/app.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/controllers/meetups-controller.js"></script>

We create a controller in /client/js/controllers/meetup-controller.js folder with:

app.controller('meetupsController', ['$scope', '$resource', function ($scope, $resource) {
    $scope.meetups = [
     { name:"mean developer1"},
     {name:"mean deve2"}

    $scope.createMeetup = function(){
    $scope.meetupName = '';

resource allows us to do http server calls which we have to declare it in file /client/js/app.js

var app = angular.module('meetupApp', ['ngResource'])

We have to give a reference in index.html as below: <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/app.js"></script>

Part 2: Displaying form data and adding functionality

In index.html add below lines:

   <div ng-controller="meetupsController">
    <h1>There are {{meetups.length}} meetups</h1>//displays the length
      <li ng-repeat="meetup in meetups">
    <form ng-submit="createMeetup()">
      <input type="text" placeholder="Meetup name" ng-model="meetupName"></input>
      <button type="submit">Add</button>

Here we are creating a function ng-submit =”createMeetup “,and defining a ng-model , when ever there is any thing added it will be add to the text.

In controller:

 $scope.createMeetup = function(){
  $scope.meetupName = ' ';

We push the data to the “meetups” using push and it will be added to “meetup.name”

Part 3:Adding resource to handle http request, by assinging the base url of the restful server.

ngResource handles all the http request , instead of handling through the angular we have to create a folder for services and pass those links to the resource

i)Creating a var to define the base url of our service

 var Meetup = $resource(‘/api/meetups’)

ii)Creating a new instance of the Meetup we have created in the createMeetup function

 var meetup = new Meetup();
 meetup.name = $scope.meetupName;//setting a property 

If you run the app now, you will receive a POST error.

iii)Adding routes in server.js, which is post with a req and res function


iv)Till now we have mvc on client side we will have mvc in server side as well

We create a folder server/controllers/meetups-controller.js

In this file we export the module, we give a reference about this in server.js so that express will handle the server side routing for us.

In meetups-controller.js,

 module.exports.create = function(req,res){

v)In server.js give reference of this controller:

 var express = require('express'),
 app = express(),
 meetupsController = require ('./server/controllers/meetups-controller')

When you run the app now you will see in the terminal as undefined. Because by default express does not handle body request. we have to install another express module called body parser to handle this.

 npm install body-parser --save

give reference of this in server.js

 bodyParser = require(‘body-parser’)



When we run the app and type something in the

we will see on server the message sent by the client as json object.

This is from client

Part 4: To store from server into Mongodb

We could use mongodb drivers to do that. Module called mongoose can be used to ,it is an ODM, it allows you to define your schema in your application and it will gives you nice syntax around the driver. There are performance overheads to that. i)installing mongoose

  npm install mongoose --save

ii)Create new folder models/meetups.js, which will serve as model for mongoose In this we create a require for mongoose, and export the model “Meetup”

var mongoose = require('mongoose');

 module.exports = mongoose.model('Meetup',{
   name: String

iii) In server controller we are going to create “Meetup” model and create an instance “meetup”of the model. This will save the data to mongodb database.

  var Meetup = require('../models/meetup');//new model
  module.exports.create = function(req,res){
 //instance of the new model
 var meetup = new Meetup(req.body);//passing json to the model

iv) we have to create a connection in server.js

  mongoose = require(‘mongoose’)

Make sure mongodb is running if not run using monogd and in other terminal run :mongo run the node server: goto to the app and enter: this is from client side and click on add. on the mongo terminal switch to mean-demo db use meanApp. To check whether fields are added or not, you can see the output. db.meetups.find()

Part 5: Displaying data on the app. We know that we have data in database, to display it in our app we have to add it to meetups object.

In server controller

 replace meetup.save() with

In client controller

 replace meetup.save() with

To clear the text field after entering text include:

$scope.meetupName = '';

Part 6: To pull data from database through query.

We remove the hard coded data with a query in client side

 $scope.meetups = results;

On server side we create a get to call the list method


On the server side controller we have a module which exports the list and mongoose reponds to it using res.json.

 module.exports.list = function(req,res){

Lastly run the node server on the terminal, you can see that the data will be fetched from mongodb..!

To see the data in the mongodb database, switch to mean-demo and run db.meetups.find().