Amazon Route53 Ingress Controller

This Controller watches for new ingress resources and if they define the specified annotations as true, it will create an Amazon Route53 record set.

Ingress example can be found here.

Annotations with values: "true" or "false" "load-balancer-name": Specify load balancer name. Created Amazon Route53 record will have an alias pointing to provided loadbalancer. As of now ELB and ALB are supported.


Mentioned "true" values can be also specified with: "1", "t", "T", "true", "TRUE", "True"

Mentioned "false" values can be also specified with: "0", "f", "F", "false", "FALSE", "False"


--run-outside-cluster # Uses ~/.kube/config rather than in cluster configuration
--log-level # desired log level, one of: [debug, info, warn, error]
--log-format # desired log format, one of: [json, logfmt]
--whitelist-prefix # comma sperated list with Amazon Route53 record name prefixes, which has to be matched, before update/delete Amazon Route53 record sets 
--whitelist-suffix # comma sperated list with Amazon Route53 record name suffixes, which has to be matched, before update/delete Amazon Route53 record sets 
--delete-alias # if true, recordset type alias will be deleted before other recordset type being created.
--delete-cname # if true, recordset type cname will be deleted before other recordset type being created.
--dns-type # DNS Record Type(alias / cname), default cname

Example: ./bin/AmazonRoute53-ingress-controller --run-outside-cluster --log-level=info --whitelist-suffix=example.local,test.local --whitelist-prefix=app-

For example, with provided whitelist the following Amazon Route53 records could be created/updated/deleted:

  • test.example.local
  • example-test.local
  • app-domain.local

For example, with provided whitelist the following Amazon Route53 records could not be created/updated/deleted:

  • app.domain.local
  • apps-test.local


The Amazon Route53 Ingress Controller needs to know, in which AWS region you are operating it. Please set your AWS region as environment variable, e.g.:

  • export AWS_REGION=eu-central-1

For authentification with the Amazon Route53 API you can either use IAM roles, attached to your nodes, or you have to provide two additional environment variables:


Or run aws configure, if you have installed the aws-cli.

If you want to deploy the controller via Helm, all three variables can be provided in values.yaml, see example installation at our Helm directory within this repo.



CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -i -o ./bin/AmazonRoute53-ingress-controller ./cmd # on Linux
GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -i -o ./bin/AmazonRoute53-ingress-controller ./cmd # on macOS/Windows

Run outside kubernetes

export AWS_REGION=eu-central-1 #make sure AWS_REGION is set
./bin/AmazonRoute53-ingress-controller --run-outside-cluster --log-level=debug


Our preferred way to install AmazonRoute53-ingress-controller is Helm. See example installation at our Helm directory within this repo.