
Primary LanguagePython


💡 Still work in progress

Getting started

  1. create a new virtual enviroment Youtube tutorial
  2. install dependency pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
  3. uvicorn main:app --reload. Ref. This will start on port 8000. If you are using visual code you can click on the play button on the top bar and it will start the project

Tech stack

  1. Fast API as the python web framework.
  2. The documentation for the API is here. It's auto generated by Fast API following the open api schema
  3. There is available a node.js SDK generated from the open api schema. The SDK is hosted on npm and can be installed running the command npm i @kiri23/fastapi on a terminal


Trello is used to manage the task done on the project and the one to come. If you want access to the board here is an invite link


This API use semantic versioning. The management of the versions is done by bump2version

Release Process

The deploy and generation of the SDK are done through Github actions.


Installing new libraries

  1. Start the virtual enviroment, if you open the vs code terminal it would be set with the enviroment. Youtube tutorial image

  2. pip install <new library>

  3. pip freeze > requirements.txt