
A javascript framework

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A 3kb micro framework for building reactive custom elements, based on lit-html


npm i blaze-html

Quick Start

import { html, Blaze, register, linkState } from 'blaze-html';

// Extend the Blaze class to build a custom element
class BlazeInput extends Blaze {
    // Define our default state in the constructor
    constructor() {
            text: "default text"
    // Defiine our html template using template literals
    template(props, state) {
        return html`
            ${state.text} <br/>
            <input on-input=${linkState(this, 'text')} />

// Register our custom element to the window

Now you can use your custom elememnt anywhere in your web page.


Custom Elements

To create a custom element you need to import Blaze & html from blaze-html

  • Blaze is our custom element's base class that we will inherit all our syntax sugar from

  • html is our template literal's tag, that will tell our text editor / IDE to identify the text as html

To register the custom element to the window you need to import register and pass the class in as an argument.

import {Blaze, html, register} from 'blaze-html';

class CoolButton extends Blaze {
    // Display a button that says "Click Me" in it
    template() {
        return html`
            <button on-click=${this.sayHello}>Click Me</button>

    // Action that is fired when a user clicks the button
    sayHello() {
        alert('Hello World');
// Register the element to the window as cool-button
// or if you want to specify the name yourself
register(CoolButton, 'uncool-button');

Properties and State

Our base class Blaze has the properties props & `state.

  • props: an object containing the values of all custom element attributes
  • state: a watched object, what when updated will re-render the custom element's template

Any time state is updated through the setState method or the attributes on the element are changed, the element will re-render the values in real time.

import {Blaze, html, register} from 'blaze-html';

class UserDisplay extends Blaze {
    constructor() {
            status: 'Active'
    template(props, state) {
        return html`
            ${props.firstName} ${props.lastName}<br/>

<user-display firstName="John" lastName="doe"></user-display>

This will display

John Doe