
1. Go to check out directory.
2. Run `brew install glide`
3. Run `glide install`
4. Install mysql database
5. Create database
6. Change config in "config.json" and "dbconf.yml" for accessing to database
7. Compile sources.
8. Run server `go_exercise_api -config=<path_to_config_file>
9. Open in browser `localhost:<port_from_config_file>/auth?provider=facebook`
10. Copy JWT
11. Send request for saving task, for example:
	`curl localhost:1223/v1/task -H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"title":"new task", "description":"new description", "priority": 6}'`

12. Send request for updating task, for example:

	`curl 'localhost:1223/v1/task/1' -H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"title":"updated task", "description":"updated description", "priority": 3}'`

13. Send request for deleting task, for example: 

	`curl 'localhost:1223/v1/task/1' -H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE`

14. Send request for getting task, for example:

	`curl 'localhost:1223/v1/task/1 -H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET`

15. Send request for getting all tasks, for example:

	`curl localhost:1223/v1/tasks -H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET`

Using with docker: 1. Install docker 2. Install docker-compose 3. Go to checkout directory. 5. Run docker-compose build 6. Run docker-compose up -d 7. Wait until server will go up. 8. Steps 11-15 same as for default instalation address for accesing localhost:5000