
Docker container to run a UAA identity server

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Running a postgresql container to store data

The sample uaa.yml configuration tells the UAA server to store its data in a postgresql database. If you change it to something else, then skip to the next chapter.

To easily create a postgresql database on your local dev environment, use Docker. The following command creates a local postgresql container with a default database called 'postgres' and a default user 'postgres'.

docker run -d --name uaa-db postgres

Running the UAA server

To run the UAA server, first you'll need a configuration file. UAA accepts a YAML config file where the default clients and users can be defined among some other things, like where to store the data. You can find a basic configuration in the project repository. The default configuration stores data in a postgresql database whose connection parameters are defined in environment variables (that are automatically set when a database container is linked with the name db).

This docker container reads the configuration file uaa.yml from the /uaa folder. The container can accept configuration files from an URL, or from a shared volume. To run a UAA server with a configuration file in a shared volume, run this command:

docker run -d --link uaa-db:db -v /tmp/uaa:/uaa:rw hortonworks/cloudbreak-uaa:2.7.1

If you are using boot2docker on OSX, host volume sharing only shares the host folder in boot2docker, so make sure your configuration is in boot2docker's /tmp/uaa folder.

To get the configuration from an URL:

docker run -d --link uaa-db:db -e UAA_CONFIG_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sequenceiq/docker-uaa/master/uaa.yml hortonworks/cloudbreak-uaa:2.7.1