Grow your React Web apps with this simple starter.
It includes the basics:
- Prettier
- ESLint
- Parcel
- Babel
It also includes this React module:
- Reach Router (accessible routing for React)
Parcel is the simplest bundler. It's very fast and flexible too!
When your project grows large enough that you need a more complex configuration, you can move over to webpack.
I wanted to keep this starter as simple as possible. CSS introduces choices and opinions, so I decided not to include any of it.
Feel free to incorporate your own CSS workflow or use CSS-in-JS (ex. with emotion).
Whatever you feel!
Make sure you have the following on your system:
- Node.js (10+)
- NPM (6+)
Optional, but recommended:
- Visual Studio Code
- VSCode ESLint
- VSCode npm Intellisense
The usual routine, run the following command:
npm i
: distributable files generated by Parcel./src/
: source files of your app
There are multiple components that you can play around with.
: main component./src/Example.js
: functional component./src/ExampleHooks.js
: functional component with hooks./src/ExampleCustomHook.js
: functional component used as a custom hook./src/ExampleClass.js
: class component./src/ErrorBoundary.js
: class component for error boundaries./src/GlobalContext.js
: functional component for context (global app state)./src/Modal.js
: functional component for a modal using a portal
Delete or modify them at your leisure!
The following npm scripts are available to you:
npm run format
: run Prettier on all source files.npm run lint
: run ESLint on all source files.npm run dev
: run the app in development mode, starting the local server with Parcel.npm run buid
: run the app in production mode, building the distributable files with Parcel.
To seamlessly integrate VSCode with Prettier, create a new file .vscode/settings.json
(if not existing already) and add the following code:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"prettier.requireConfig": true,
"editor.tabSize": 2