
Quiz chatbot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Quiz bots (VK and telegram) with Redis DB.

This project contains code for creation your bots in VK and Telegram.

Both, VK and Telegram bots are integrated with Redis DB.

How to install


You need to create .env file and write next parameters in file:

TG_BOT_TOKEN - secret telegram bot token. Use this instruction (use VPN to open this link in Russia).

After you got TG_BOT_TOKEN you need to write to you telegram bot any message (/start for example).

VK_APP_TOKEN - secret VK app token. You can create it in group's administration panel (section Work with API).

PROXY - proxy IP with port and https if you need. Work with empty proxy if you in Europe.

REDIS_DB_ADDRESS - register your redis account and get address of your database (for example redis-13965.f18.us-east-4-9.wc1.cloud.redislabs.com).

REDIS_DB_PORT - usually port writes in db address in the end redis-13965.f18.us-east-4-9.wc1.cloud.redislabs.com:16635

REDIS_DB_PASSWORD - redis also will generate your DB password when your will init DB.

QUESTIONS_DB_PATH - path to file with questions and answers (default: data\question.json).

DB_RECORD_COUNT - count of questions which will write into DB (default: 100).

REDIS_SET_OF_QUESTIONS_NAME - name of redis set of questions. (default: QuestionAnswerSet)

REDIS_HASH_OF_QUESTIONS_AND_ANSWERS_NAME - name of redis hash of questions and answers. (default: QuestionAnswerHash)

REDIS_HASH_USERS_INFO_NAME - name of redis hash of users info for VK bot. (default: UsersHash)

Python3 should be already installed. Then use pip (or pip3, if there is a conflict with Python2) to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
Deploy on heroku

For deploying this bot on heroku you need to do next:

  1. Sign up in heroku
  2. Create app
  3. Clone this repository and download on heroku with GitHub method (tab Deploy in heroku app)

How to use

Run in Local

Create your own DB_PATH file with training questions and answers.

Example of file:

"1": {"q": "question", "a": "answer"},
"100": {"q": "question", "a": "answer"}

In file redis_base_init.py given a simple example of DB filling

Open command line (in windows Win+R and write cmd and Ok). Go to directory with program or write in cmd:

// filling your DB (file "question.json" must be in "data" subdirectory).
python redis_base_init.py 
// if you want to start telegram bot.
python tg_bot.py 
// if you want to start vk bot.
python vk_bot.py
Deploy on heroku

Run bot in Resources tab in heroku app. Procfile for run in repo already.


Project Goals

The code is written for educational purposes on online-course for web-developers dvmn.org.