There are 14 homework hand-in docs (one for each week except the first two) you should submit to this repository. Steps to submit:

step 1 Prepare your homework

Name your hand-in homework to be like studentID_studentName.md or studentID_studentName.docx.

step 2 Create a personal fork of this repository

You should register in github or gitee to do this.

step 3 Clone the fork on your local machine

Clone the home work repository from github

git clone https://github.com/your-github/homework.git

or from gitee

git clone https://gitee.com/your-gitee/homework.git

Now you got a local homework repository.

step 4 Add your homework document

Copy your hand-in homework to the appropriate folder of your local homework repository. For example, homework of week3 should be copied to the folder named "week3".

step 5 Make a commit

Commit your modification to the local git repository.

git add weekn/studentID_studentName.docx
git commit -m '学号_姓名_第n周作业提交'

step 6 Create new Pull Request