A simple and open source Discord bot made in C# with .NET Core 3.0.
The bot has no features for now as I worked on the Core and the Database part before coding any content. However, I plan on implementing these features:
- League of Legends user stats, game, and live tracker
- Osu! user stats, score tracker
- Moderation utility commands (message cleanup, kick, ban, mute, etc.)
- RSS Feed subscription
- Twitch live tracking
- Common commands
- Custom commands (with a few variables)
- Discord events logging (join, leave, removed/updated messages, pins, ...) with usage of AuditLogs.
In order to use the bot by yourself, you will need the following components:
- Git
- .NET Core (>= 3.0) SDK & Runtime
- Visual Studio 2019
- Discord Bot Application
- PostgreSQL Server (>= 10.7)
- Docker & Docker-Compose (facultative)
Self compilation
- Clone the current project with
git clone https://github.com/Kiritsu/Aatrox
- Update the Disqord submodule with
git submodule update --recursive --remote
- Either open the solution and build it or use
dotnet build
to build the solution.
You can publish the app yourself with the command: --framework netcoreapp3.0 --configuration Release --runtime ubuntu.16.04-x64
You will have to adapt the runtime with the one of your choice.
Pre-compiled artifact
There will soon be a script for downloading a ready-for-use artifact but you can already download them from azure-pipelines