Deploy Simple ERC20 Token on Remix

Deploy Token on Remix

  1. Compile and deploy contracts on JVM to check all is working well
  • Copy Token.sol Solidity Code into a file in Remix rename Token.sol
  • Select Solidity Compiler Page
    • On Compiler Options dropdown select 0.8.6 version
    • Click "Compile Token.sol" button
  • Select Deploy and Run Transactions Page
    • Environment dropdown select JavaScript VM
    • Accounts dropdwon -> pick any of the accounts in dropdown
  • Deploy Button
    • Enter the parameters for deployment for (name, symbol, decimals,totalSupply)
    • Example paramters "TokenName", "TKT", 18, 7000
    • Click deploy button
  • Deployed Contracts
    • Scroll down to deployed contracts section and click on deployed contract
    • View buttons for all the functions you can carry out on contract e.g approve, transfer etc
  1. Deploy Token to Kovan Testnet
  • Select Deploy and Run Transactions Page
    • Environment dropdown select Injected Web3 (to allow use of Metamask)
    • Accounts dropdwon will have first currently selected Metamask account
  • Get some testnet ETH, Kovan ETH into the deploying account
  • Deploy Button
    • Enter the parameters for deployment for (name, symbol, decimals,totalSupply)
    • Example paramters "TokenName", "TKT", 18, 7000000000000000000000
    • Click deploy button and confirm transaction on MetaMask
  • Deployed Contracts
    • Scroll down to deployed contracts section and click on deployed contract
    • View buttons for all the functions you can carry out on contract e.g approve, transfer etc (Deployer will have all the initial tokens)
    • Copy the Deployed Token address on Deployed Contracts e.g 0x5b01c8aE3185774068AF96978e1461c2A31e8A9e

List ERC20 Token on Uniswap

  • Go to Uniswap
    • Click on Pool Tab
    • Click on More Tab and Select Create Pool
  • Add Liquidity
    • Under Select Pair leave ETH selected
    • Click on Select Token dropdown
    • Paste your deployed Token address into Search
    • Your deployed Token will show => Click Import
    • On same add Liquidity Page, select a fee e.g 0.3% fee ideal for stable pairs
  • Initialize Pool
    • On same Liquidity Page => Set the starting price for Token e.g 0.001
    • Set the price range 0.001 to 0.002
  • Deposit Amounts
    • Ensure you have sufficient balances for the amounts you will choose to deposit
    • Select amount of ETH to deposit e.g 0.001 ETH corresponding equal amount of your Token will be displayed
    • Click Approve Button and confirm transaction on Metamask
    • Once transaction finished you can click on Preview to view the added Token vs ETH liquidity pool
    • Click Add to finalize the adding of assets and liquidity pool creation
  • New Pool will display once success on your positions on page