
Reproducible benchmarks to evaluate Sentry SDKs

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Sentry SDK Benchmark

This repository contains reproducible benchmarks to evaluate the instrumentation overhead of Sentry SDKs.

The focus is on Performance Monitoring (tracing) of web servers.

How It Works

   ┌───────────┐      │┼┼────────────────┼┼┼┐      ┌────────┐
   │           │      │┼│                │┼┼│      │        │
   │ Benchmark ├─────►├┼│ Docker Compose │┼┼┼─────►│  HTML  │
   │  Runner   │      │┼│    Projects    │┼┼│      │ Report │
   │           │      │┼│                │┼┼│      │        │
   └──────────┬┘      │┼┼────────────────┼┼┼│      └────────┘
              │       └┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼│
              │        └────────────────────┘
       │ Selection of prepackaged apps │
       │   instrumented with Sentry    │

We provide a collection of prepackaged web apps implemented in different programming languages and using different frameworks.

For each original app in a "baseline" directory, there is a slightly modified app in a corresponding "instrumented" directory which is a copy of the original app with minimal changes to add Sentry instrumentation (error and performance monitoring). The "baseline" apps are implementations from TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks.

The benchmark runner (sentry-sdk-benchmark tool) takes one or more apps as input and creates, serially, Docker Compose projects to test and gather data to compare baseline and instrumented apps. The output is presented as an HTML report.

Each Docker Compose project is responsible for spinning up a target app, a database server, and auxiliary tools to generate load and measure latencies and resource consumption. Those components exist as a handful of Docker containers:

   │                                                                        │
   │ Container Metrics Collector                                            │
   │         (cAdvisor)                                                     │
   │                                                                        │
   ┌────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐
   │        │ │              │ │                       │ │                  │
   │ Target │ │   Database   │ │    Load Generator,    │ │   Mock Sentry    │
   │  App   │ │ (PostgreSQL) │ │    Data Collector     │ │ Ingestion Server │
   │        │ │              │ │ and Test Orchestrator │ │   (fakerelay)*   │
   │        │ │              │ │      (loadgen)        │ │                  │
   │        │ │              │ │                       │ │                  │
   └────────┘ └──────────────┘ └───────────────────────┘ └──────────────────┘
                                                          * only for
                                                            instrumented apps

Every app under test is supposed to interact with a PostgreSQL database in response to requests from the load generator as described in the Database Updates test.

The load generator throws traffic at the target app at a fixed rate simulating an "open model", as described in Closed versus open system models and their impact on performance and scheduling, Schroeder et al.

When the target app is instrumented with Sentry, the Sentry SDK is configured to send data from the app to the Mock Sentry Ingestion Server, which is basically a custom test replacement for the real Sentry ingestion pipeline.

The load generator is also responsible for orchestrating all test steps and collecting data from all other components (either directly or indirectly via the Container Metrics Collector).


You will need a recent version of docker (with Docker Compose V2) and go (v1.17 or later).

  1. Compile the benchmark runner:

    go build .
  2. (Optional) Install the sentry-sdk-benchmark binary by moving it to a directory in your $PATH, for example:

    mv sentry-sdk-benchmark /usr/local/bin/
  3. Run the sentry-sdk-benchmark tool:

    sentry-sdk-benchmark platform/python/django

Cleaning Up Resources

The sentry-sdk-benchmark tool always tries to clean up resources (containers, images and networks) after running. In the eventual case that something was left behind, the following commands can help cleaning up resources.

Use the commands below with care as some of them may affect resources that were not necessarily created by sentry-sdk-benchmark.

Docker clean up commands
List and remove all Docker Compose projects, including containers, images, and networks:
docker compose ls -a -q | xargs -tI '{}' docker compose -p '{}' down --remove-orphans --rmi local

List and remove all Docker containers:

docker ps -a -q | xargs -tn10 docker rm -f

Remove all unused Docker networks:

docker network prune

Remove images with sentry-sdk-benchmark label:

docker images -f "label=io.sentry.sentry-sdk-benchmark" -q | sort -u | xargs -tn10 docker rmi -f

Remove all dangling (untagged) images:

docker images -f "dangling=true" -q | xargs -tn10 docker rmi -f

Adding More Platforms

See platform/README.md.