
Beamer theme for Université Gustave Eiffel presentations

Primary LanguageTeXGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

UGE-beamer theme

The purpose of this beamer theme is to provide a beamer template for presentation for Université Gustave Eiffel. The presentation is tested. However some improvements in the explaination are still to do, for example this README is outdated…







To use the theme, download the .sty files and the img folder by the method of your choice (download the archive directly or using git clone).

You can also try the theme by compiling the provided test.tex file. The file provides details on how to use the theme in comments.


Error at first compilation

The first compilation of demo_metro-b.tex yields an arithmeic error. Do not take care an compile a second time!


You can check the Overleaf repository showing a working example of the current version.


Replacing logos

If you want to replace the logos images by your own (for example two logos side by side), you can do it by using this command before \begin{document}:

\titlelogo[width=2cm]{img/mycustomlogo-title.eps}   % Replace the logo in the title page
\footerlogo[width=2cm]{img/mycustomlogo-footer.eps} % Replace the logo in all other pages (footer)

Authors and affiliation

Authors are added successively to make it easier to read, with the following syntax:

\author[mail address (optional)]{Author Name}{Affiliation index}

Then, the affiliation are also added recursively:

\affil[affiliation number]{Name of affiliation}


You can add a “thank-you” frame by using the \thanksframe command. By default, the title page template is taken with the title, subtitle, your “thank-you” message, conference name and date. For instance:

{\thanksframe{{\huge\textbf{Thank you!}}}}

If you want to add appendices, do not forget to add the brackets {...} surrounding the \thanksframe command. This will make the thanksframe environment not propagating to the appendices.


To remove the numbering from the appendices frame, you can add the noframenumbering option to the frame:



UGE’s graphical guidelines ask to use TT Norms®. However those fonts appear to be non-free and not well adapted for equations. Therefore, the guidelines recommend to use Tahoma when TT Norms® is not available. However, Tahoma was made for on-screen reading and is even worst than TT Norms® for equations. As a consequence, by default, the beamer theme uses Tahoma for text and Computer Modern Serif for maths equation, used by LaTeX by defaults.

Inria Fonts (optional)

Another way though is to use the Inria fonts, under an Open Font License.

Method 1: download and install the fonts on your machine

Download the fonts and install them on your machine (usually, you just have to open the .ttf fonts files). Then, use the option inriafonts in the theme:

\usetheme[inriafonts]{uge} % Use Inria fonts, make sure to have the ttf files in the same directory.

Method 2: no font install

Download the fonts and place the files InriaSans-Regular.ttf and InriaSerif-Regular.ttf in the same directory than the .sty files and your main .tex file. Then, use the option inriafonts in the theme:

\usetheme[inriafonts]{uge} % Use Inria fonts, make sure to have the ttf files in the same directory.


You can inverse the colors of the title page by using the reversed option of the theme. By default the background is blue and fonts are in white.

\usetheme{uge}           % background blue, foreground white
\usetheme[reversed]{uge} % background white, foreground blue

16/9 or 4/3 formats

The theme has been tested on either 16:9 or 4:3 formats (by default). To get a 16:9 format, you can customize the aspectratio option parameter in the document class:
