
Udacity's item catalog project.

Primary LanguagePython


The program uses Python, Flask and SQLAlchemy to retrieve data from a database and show it to the user. The user can see all availabe items and can login to make his/her own items as well as delete and edit those items but he/she can't delete or edit other users' items.


How to run

  • Use git to clone this directory git clone https://github.com/Kirollos-Hanna/item-catalog
  • cd into the project directory.
  • use the python or python3 command with the application.py file from your command line. (i.e. python application.py)
  • The server will run on port 5000 by default on your local machine. (Use localhost:5000 to view the website)

How it works

  • The user can login from the login page using a Google or Facebook account.
  • Items can only be added to categories by a logged-in user.
  • The user can only modify or delete his/her current items.

JSON Endpoints

  • Data from the whole application can be retrieved using the following route /catalog.json
  • If you want to retrieve data about a single item you can use the route /catalog/category/item/json where category is the specific category of the item and item is the name of the item you want.