This is a News Application built using Flutter. It fetches news articles from various categories like Business, Sports, and Science using the News API. The app allows users to browse through different news categories and search for specific topics or articles.
- Browse news articles in different categories like Business, Sports, and Science.
- Read detailed news articles with images and descriptions.
- Search for specific topics or articles using the search functionality.
- Toggle between light and dark themes based on user preference.
- Customizable bottom navigation bar for easy navigation.
- cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
- bloc: ^8.1.2
- flutter_bloc: ^8.1.3
- dio: ^5.3.0
- conditional_builder_null_safety: ^0.0.6
- hexcolor: ^3.0.1
- shared_preferences: ^2.2.0
- url_launcher: ^6.1.14