P3 Mobile SDK's for Android
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add the dependency:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Privo:/privo3-android-sdk:{{release}}'
Note: {{release}} - current release version tag. For example 0.0.1
Alternatively you can install it manually:
- Open your project in Android Studio
- Download the library (using Git, or a zip archive to unzip)
- Go to File > Import Module and import the library as a module
- Right-click your app in project view and select "Open Module Settings"
- Click the "Dependencies" tab and then the '+' button
- Select "Module Dependency"
- Select "SDK" (not SDK Project)
To verify manual installation, check :
- check settings.gradle file, it should contain:
include ':sdk'
project(':sdk').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../../privo3-android-sdk/sdk')
NOTE: ../../privo3-android-sdk/sdk -- path to SDK. It maybe different in your env.
2) check build.gradle file, it should contain:
dependencies {
implementation project(':sdk')