Putting things together. Consistently.
Many of the docs and much of coordination work is in Notion -- check out the content there. Especially check out the API Specs, because those are going to tell you a lot about exactly what this tool will do for you.
Here are some terminal movies of what you can do with warpforge:
Using the quickstart and writing a module:
Adding content to a catalog from the web:
Compute using hashes — this is the low-level API on display:
Awk in a box! This is what it looks like to combine a tool and a dataset (think: reproducible scientific compute, or distributable bigdata jobs):
- Install
- Try the Quickstart
- Check out the Examples dir for more examples
Check that you have Go 1.16+ and that $GOPATH/bin
(by default, $HOME/go/bin
) is in your PATH
To install warpforge
and the required plugins to your GOPATH
, run:
git clone https://github.com/warpfork/warpforge
cd warpforge
make install
Warpforge will now be installed, probably in $HOME/go/bin
(We also often symlink it to wf
for short: cd $HOME/go/bin && ln -s warpforge wf
After installing, create a new directory and run the quickstart subcommand. In this example, we will create a module named "hello-world".
mkdir warpforge-quickstart
cd warpforge-quickstart
warpforge quickstart hello-world
Successfully created module.wf and plot.wf for module "hello-world".
Ensure your catalogs are up to date by running `warpforge catalog update.`.
You can check status of this module with `warpforge status`.
You can run this module with `warpforge run`.
Once you've run the Hello World example, edit the 'script' section of plot.wf to customize what happens.
Next, update the catalog:
warpforge catalog update
installing default catalog to /home/eric/.warpforge/catalogs/default-remote... done.
default-remote: already up to date
We can check the status of our module and configuration with the status subcommand:
warpforge status
/home/user/warpforge-quickstart (pwd, module)
/home/user (root workspace, home workspace)
You can evaluate this module with the `warpforge run` command.
If everything looks good, we can run the module:
warpforge run
┌─ plot
│ plot inputs:
│ plot type = catalog
│ plot ref = catalog:alpinelinux.org/alpine:v3.15.0:x86_64
│ plot wareId = tar:57j2Ee9HEtDxRLE6uHA1xvmNB2LgqL3HeT5pCXr7EcXkjcoYiGHSBkFyKqQuHFyGPN
│ plot wareAddr = https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.15/releases/x86_64/alpine-minirootfs-3.15.0-x86_64.tar.gz
├─ plot (hello-world) evaluating protoformula
│ ┌─ formula
│ │ formula ware mount: wareId = tar:57j2Ee9HEtDxRLE6uHA1xvmNB2LgqL3HeT5pCXr7EcXkjcoYiGHSBkFyKqQuHFyGPN destPath = /
│ │ formula executing script interpreter = /bin/sh
│ │ ┌─ output
│ │ │ output hello world
│ │ └─ output
│ │ formula packed "out": path = /output wareId=tar:6U2WhgnXRCLsNjZLyvLzG6Eer5MH4MpguDeimPrEafHytjmXjbvxjm1STCuqHV5AQA
│ │ formula RunRecord:
│ │ formula GUID = 4f09fa04-cf02-4ad6-a2db-c0cb8b1aaf1d
│ │ formula FormulaID = bafyrgqb55m6gejlpmbta3wyfvdqtxco3k7ajzyjrnoytqgxhxsj4gvgz33b6bqrhv6f4mbejnsdhekx6wvus6rrv4hmblu5r2nrt5jtlygvg6
│ │ formula Exitcode = 0
│ │ formula Time = 1642008026
│ │ formula Results:
│ │ formula out: tar:6U2WhgnXRCLsNjZLyvLzG6Eer5MH4MpguDeimPrEafHytjmXjbvxjm1STCuqHV5AQA
│ └─ formula
│ plot (hello-world) collected output hello-world:out
├─ plot (hello-world) complete
│ plot
│ plot outputs:
│ plot output -> tar:6U2WhgnXRCLsNjZLyvLzG6Eer5MH4MpguDeimPrEafHytjmXjbvxjm1STCuqHV5AQA
└─ plot
All tests can be executed using:
make test
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