
Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. intialise the project by npm init and write the inforamation of the project

  2. make the directory structure MVC

  3. write down the entry point index.js and in that require all the libraray and modules that we need

  4. install - nodemon (for continuity of the add so that you don't need to save the code again and again) express(server) mongoose(for database) ejs(view-engine) express-ejs-layout(for layouts) express-fileupload(for uploading the file) csvtojson(for converting the csv to json format)

  5. set up the installed libraries for mongoose make a new folder named config-> mongoose.js

  6. use all the folder of view and asset in index.js

  7. make the model schema for the file

  8. make the routes

  9. make the controller action

  10. start the server using 'npm start'