📌A fun web-based quiz that determines which Hogwarts House (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin) you belong to based on your personality traits. The website asks a series of questions, and based on the user's answers, it sorts them into a house.
- Register your GitHub ID on Hackoberfest Website
- Fork the repository.
- Implement the features listed in the suggested improvements section. Feel free to contribute your own ideas for enhancing the project further.
- Add your name in contributors section as per the format.
- Commit and push your changes.
- Create a pull request to the original repository.
- Your pull request will be reviewed and merged.
- ❓Additional Questions: Add more questions to the quiz for enhanced user engagement.
- 🏘Detailed House Descriptions: Provide descriptions for each house after the user is sorted.
- 💖Animations and Effects: Incorporate fun animations or effects during the sorting process.
- 🔊Sound Effects: Add sound effects to enhance the overall user experience.
- 💫Theme Options: Allow users to select different themes for the quiz interface.
- 🔮Spells section: Include a "Spell of the Day" section and design it with a creative layout.
💟😊Feel like sprinkling a little stardust of encouragement? Hit that star button on the repository to let us know you're cheering us on!🌟
d-coder111 💻 |
DewashishCodes 💻 |
D-Binara 💻 |