Extra general purpose functions, stubs, macros & meta types.
These functions, macros & types are either commonly used patterns, or mere stubs.
Function stubs are generically named functions without any actual body - they are, by default, noop. Every defined stub takes no arguments and do absolutely nothing.
These stubs are meant to be complementary to the Julia standard library. Similar to overloading Base.push!
, you would
overload ExtraFun.use
. Then, users of your library may simply using ExtraFun
and call use(<your type>)
having to worry about absolutely addressing the appropriate module. ExtraFun allows for shorter function names and thus
ease of use.
Following is an enumeration of all function stubs exported by ExtraFun, along with their respective intention. In turn, these intentions are merely intended to give you an idea what to use these stubs for.
Intended to cancel a time-consuming task, such as an intense computation or a blocking IO operation.
Intended to empty a collection or clear the state of an object.
Initialize something. Intended for deferred initialization of a resource. Possibly reopen an existing resource without having to fully reconstruct it, reusing previously supplied data.
Restore the state of an object from an external resource, typically a file or an internet resource. Forms the
complementary counterpiece to ExtraFun.store
Store the state of an object in an external resource, typically a file or an internet resource. Unlike the standard
library's Serialization.deserialize
method, this method is intended for Julia-version and platform independent
serialization. For this purpose, it is advised to store a complementary file format version and/or parity data.
Intended to update the (internal) state of an object. Useful to defer comparatively heavy computations to the end of a cycle, for example.
Intended to indicate a change of state, either globally or locally to a container object.
Following are general purpose patterns packaged in functions (and possibly corresponding types) for convenience.
Simple functional negation of a callable. Useful to shorten down callbacks rather than using lambdas.
Naturally, it is assumed callable
returns a boolean value.
isdiv3(x) = x % 3 == 0
filter!(negate(isdiv3), [1, 2, 3, 4])
Simple negation of Base.isnothing(x)
is a functional way of evaluating the "truth" of a value - as prominent in many other languages. In general, this means at least one bit is set. falsy
is simply negate(truthy)
truthy(::Nothing) = false
truthy(b::Bool) = b
truthy(n::Number) = n != 0
truthy(_) = true
falsy(x) = !truthy(x)
A functional alternative to Base.collect(coll)
. If coll
is 1-dimensionally indexable (getindex(coll, i)
), coll
is returned directly. If coll
is iterable (iterate(coll)
), returns collect(coll)
. Otherwise, returns (coll,)
(1-tuple containing only coll
Return the passed-in argument if a signature of Base.iterate
exists for it, otherwise return an iterable type around the argument. The result of this function will always be iterable.
Imperative general purpose functions.
Currying is a pattern where a new method is derived from an existing. When calling the curried method, positional arguments specified in the original curry
call are prepended to the arguments of the curried call, and keyword arguments are added.
A macro to conveniently curry every single first-level function call also exists.
curry(callable, args...; kwargs...)
function foo(num, factor; dofloor)
res = num * factor
if dofloor
res = floor(res)
return res
bar = curry(foo, 42; dofloor=true)
bar(0.5) # == 21
bar(2.1) # == 88
Transform a camel-cased string into its underscored counterpiece. Useful e.g. to transform Symbol
s in macros.
decamelcase(str::AbstractString; uppercase::Bool = false)::AbstractString
decamelcase("fooBarBaz") === "foo_bar_baz"
decamelcase("FoobarBaz") === "foobar_baz"
decamelcase("FooBarBaz", uppercase=true) === "FOO_BAR_BAZ"
Finds the index of the given element in the array-like. If the element was not found, returns nothing
indexof(ary, elem; by = identity, offset = 0, strict = false)::Integer
specifies a mapping callback on each element returning the mapped value to compare. The mapper is not called on elem
specifies the 0-based offset from the start of the array-like to begin search.
specifies whether to use simple equality (==
) or strict equality (===
indexof([1, 2, 3], 5, by=(i)->i-2, strict=true) # == 3
indexof([1, 2, 3], 5) # == -1
indexof([1, 2, 3], 1, offset=2) # == -1
Generated function pattern to test if a signature for Base.iterate(::T)
Beware as this pattern may malbehave if such a signature is loaded after the first call to this generated function.
isiterable([]) # == true
isiterable(:foobar) # == false
isiterable(42) # == true
Function pattern to test if a specific signature of a function exists.
hassignature(callable, argtypes::Type...)::Bool
struct MyStruct end
hassignature(push!, Vector{Int}) # == true
hassignature(push!, MyStruct) # == false
Retrieve and remove the first element from the array-like.
Note that Iterable
is not an actual type and used here merely for clarity.
The array-like must specialize Base.getindex
and Base.deleteat!
vec = [1, 2, 3]
shift(vec) # == 1
shift(vec) # == 2
vec # == [3]
Insert an element at index 1 of an array-like.
unshift(ary::Iterable{T}, elem::T) -> ary
Note that Iterable
is not an actual type and is used here only for clarity.
The array-like must support the signature Base.insert!(::typeof(ary), 1, ::typeof(elem))
unshift([2, 3, 4], 1) # == [1, 2, 3, 4]
Insert a new element before or after an existing in a Vector
Base.insert!(vec::Vector{T}, elem::T; [befure], [after], by = identity, strict::Bool = false)
Either before
or after
keyword argument must be supplied, but not both. Otherwise, an ArgumentError
is thrown.
is a mapping callback transforming the elements of vec
, but not before
or elem
. This is useful to, for example, insert elem
before another which meets a specific condition.
can be used to specify whether to use strict equality (===
) or simple equality (==
struct Wrapper
insert!(Wrapper.([1, 2, 3, 4, 6]), 5, before=6, by=(w)->w.int)
insert!(Wrapper.([1, 2, 3, 4, 6]), 5, after=4, by=(w)->w.int)
Split a collection into two distinct ones where the first contains all elements for which a given condition returns true and the second all those for which it returns false.
Currently supports standard vectors and tuples.
split(condition, collection::Iterable{T})::Tuple{Vector{T}, Vector{T}}
Note that Iterable
is not an actual type and is used here only for clarity.
The first vector contains all items of collection
for which condition
returned true. The second vector contains all remaining items.
split(iseven, collect(1:10)) # == ([2, 4, 6, 8, 10], [1, 3, 5, 7, 9])
ExtraFun provides a handful of useful yet simple macros. These include:
A convenience macro which curries every single first-level function call in its block expression. This is useful to call multiple functions reusing various identical arguments.
@curry 0xFF42 file = stderr begin
println("foobar") # prints "0xFF42 foobar" to stderr
println(42) # prints "0xFF42 42" to stderr
A convenience macro which ensures the given code is only executed once per session.
function foo(n)
@once n > 512 println("parameter exceeds safety threshold")
# prints: parameter exceeds safety threshold
# does not print
A simple string prefix to produce a symbol. Literally equivalent to Symbol(str)
. The advantage of using the sym""
notation is that it allows using characters otherwise illegal in :
notation whilst shortening syntax slightly.
Resource management inspired by other languages' with
keyword. It generates Julia code in the following syntax:
@with resources... block
# is (almost) equivalent to
let resources...
Usage is similar to other languages' with
res1 = SomeCloseableResource()
@with res1 res2 = SomeCloseableResource() SomeCloseableResource() begin
# res2 and last resource undefined here
Note: For res1
above to work, SomeCloseableResource()
should be or contain a reference to the closeable resource. If
it can be copied bitwise, res1
may remain unchanged outside of @with
General purpose and simple types.
A simple mutable wrapper around a single field of type T
. The Mutable
type comes in handy either as a way to reference variables, or to mark a single field of an otherwise immutable struct as mutable.
struct Mutable{T}
using ExtraFun
struct Immutable
Immutable(immutable, mutable::Bool) = Immutable(immutable, Mutable(mutable))
myvar = Immutable(42, false)
myvar.mutable[] # == false
myvar.mutable[] = true
myvar.mutable[] # == true
myvar.immutable += 1 # throws
Wrapper around a Task
object with a specialization of ExtraFun.cancel
to cancel cancel a blocking and/or yielding task prematurely. Unfortunately, these cannot be used with @sync
and @async
To conveniently create such a task, the with_cancel
method is introduced. Its signature is as follows:
with_cancel(callback, schedule_immediately::Bool = false)::CancellableTask
using ExtraFun
task1 = with_cancel() do
task2 = with_cancel() do
return 42
task3 = with_cancel() do
wait(task1) # throws TaskFailedException wrapping CancellationError
fetch(task2) == 42 # success
wait(task3) # throws TaskFailedException wrapping "foobar"
Wrapper around a Task
object with an automatic timeout. The timeout only affects the task if it blocks and/or yields. One can Base.wait
, Base.fetch
, or ExtraFun.cancel
the task. Like a CancellableTask
, the CancellationError
thrown by Base.wait
and Base.fetch
will be wrapped by a TaskFailedException
. Analogously, the TimeoutError
triggered upon timing out will also be wrapped in such a TaskFailedException
. Like CancellableTask
, these tasks are incompatible with @sync
and @async
To conveniently create such a task, the with_timeout
method is introduced. Its signature is as follows:
with_timeout(callback, timeout::Real; schedule_immediately::Bool)::TimeoutTask
using ExtraFun
task1 = with_timeout(2) do
task2 = with_timeout(2) do
return 42
task3 = with_timeout(2) do
task4 = with_timeout(3) do
wait(task1) # throws TaskFailedException wrapping TimeoutError
fetch(task2) == 42 # success
wait(task3) # throws TaskFailedException wrapping CancellationError
wait(task4) # throws TaskFailedException wrapping "foobar"
Meta Types are types (abstract or concrete) which either provide additional information on other types, or merely convey additional information to the compiler. In the simplest instance, this allows adjusting the behavior of otherwise identical functions, or, vice versa, customizing the behavior of an otherwise identical structure.
The Ident
meta type does not contain any information. It is designed to enable the compiler to dispatch based on
actual Symbol
values as opposed to the Symbol
struct Ident{S} end
struct Ident{S} end
extract(::Ident{:foo}) = 42
extract(::Ident{:bar}) = 69.69
ExtraFun introduces an Optional{S, T}
meta type which represents a value which theoretically exists but may or may not be loaded at the time. If the value is not loaded, the Optional
will contain unknown
- the only instance of Unknown
, similar to nothing
and Nothing
. While T
can be any type, S
is a vanity parameter intended as a unique identifier for your Optional
, allowing specialization of Base.getindex(::Optional{S})
while retaining interoperability with other Optional
s of other S
The signature of Optional
is rather complex. Plentiful specializations of Base.convert
allow you to use it in the most intuitive ways. Generally, the S
identifier can be ignored; it will default to :generic
. It is only relevant to retrieving the actual value of the Optional
in case the current value is unknown
Getting and setting the value proceeds much like Ref
through Base.getindex
and Base.setindex!
, or rather opt[]
and opt[] = value
. The default implementation of Base.getindex
tests if the wrapped value is unknown
. If so, it calls ExtraFun.load(::Optional)
, caches its return value, and passes it on. The default implementation of Base.setindex!
always overrides the value regardless. All of the above methods may be specialized on your S
Alternatively, you may test if an Optional
contains unknown
with ExtraFun.isunknown
, and then ExtraFun.load
it with additional arguments if necessary.
Generally, whichever usage you imagine is probably possible. If not, drop me an issue and I'll see about implementing it!
Some examples:
Optional() # == Optional{:generic, Any}(unknown)
Optional(42) # == Optional{:generic, Int}(42)
Optional(:myoptional, 24)
Optional{:myoptional}() # == Optional{:myoptional, Any}(unknown)
Optional{:foo, Real}() # == Optional{:foo, Real}(unknown)
Optional{:bar, Integer}(42.) # == Optional{:bar, Integer}(42)
struct Foo
opt::Optional{:foo, Float32}
Foo() = Foo(unknown)
Foo() # == Foo(Optional{:foo, Float32}(unknown))
Foo(42) # == Foo(Optional{:foo, Float32}(42.0f0))
Foo(42).opt[] === 42.f0
Foo(Optional(42)) # == Foo(Optional{:foo, Float32}(42.0f0))
Foo().opt = 42 # |-- These are equivalent due to Base.convert
Foo().opt[] = 42 # |--
struct Bar
Bar(42) # == Bar(Optional{:bar, Int}(42))
Bar(Optional{:generic, Integer}(42)) # == Bar(Optional{:generic, Integer}(42))
struct Baz
opt::Optional{S, Float32} where S
ExtraFun.load(opt::Optional{:baz}) = opt.value = 69.69
ExtraFun.load(io::IO, opt::Optional{:baz}) = opt.value = read(io, Float32)
Baz(42) # == Baz(Optional{:generic, Float32}(42.0f0))
Baz(Optional{:baz, Real}(42)) # == Baz(Optional{:baz, Float32}(42.0f0))
Baz(Optional(:baz, 42)) # == Baz(Optional{:baz, Float32}(42.0f0))
Baz(unknown).opt[] ≈ 69.69
let baz = Baz(unknown)
buff = IOBuffer() # Prepare external storage
load(buff, baz)
baz.opt[] == 24.f0
Sometimes, simply calling load(optional)
is not enough. You may depend on additional arguments such as a file handle. In that case, manually
A more complex pattern which ExtraFun provides is the xcopy
function and macro family. These allow customizing by various degrees of depth how an object is copied.
Copies the template object, overriding the copy's fields by keyword arguments.
struct MyStruct
@xcopy MyStruct
xcopy(MyStruct(0, false), int=42) # MyStruct(42, false)
Makes a given type xcopy
able; xcopy
is by design not generic.
Actually constructs a new instance of the same type of the source object.
xcopy_construct(tpl::T, args...; kwargs...)::T
Creates a new instance of T
with specified args
and kwargs
. Specializations may change the behavior entirely, or simply add further initialization based on tpl
. The arguments - both positional and keyword - are received from xcopy
which copies these either from tpl
or uses a customized/overridden value.
Normally, it won't be necessary to override this method, but it can be useful to trigger additional logic upon the newly constructed object.
Retrieves the copied value for the copied object. By default, retrieves tpl
's own field. If the field itself is Base.copy
able, it is copied. Otherwise, it is returned directly (referenced).
xcopy_override(tpl, ::FieldCopyOverride{F})::Any
is a Symbol
representing the field name for which to retrieve the copied value.
Specializations may specialize this method to further customize the behavior of copying individual fields of tpl
. However, it is strongly advised to use @xcopy_override
to implement such a specialization for convenience.
Convenience macro to specialize xcopy_override
@xcopy_override(T::Type, S::Symbol, expr::Expr)
is the type for which the xcopy
is being implemented. S
is the field for which the copied value is overridden. expr
is the expression used to compute the overridden value.
struct MyStruct
@xcopy MyStruct
@xcopy_override MyStruct :int tpl.int + 1
xcopy(MyStruct(1, false)) == MyStruct(2, false) # == true