
Node.js driver for Cassandra CQL3 binary protocol

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


node-cassandra-cql is a Node.js CQL driver for Apache Cassandra CQL3 binary protocol.

CQL is a query language for Apache Cassandra.


$ npm install node-cassandra-cql


  • Connection pooling to multiple hosts
  • Parameters in queries (even for sets/lists/maps collections)
  • Plain Old Javascript: no need to generate thrift files
  • Get cell by column name: row.get('first_name')
  • Bigints support (using node-int64)

Using it

// Creating a new connection pool to multiple hosts.
var Client = require('node-cassandra-cql').Client;
var hosts = ['host1:9042', 'host2:9042', 'host3', 'host4'];
var cqlClient = new Client({hosts: hosts, keyspace: 'Keyspace1'});

Client() accepts an object with these slots, only hosts is required:

                hosts: String list in host:port format. Port is optional (defaults to 9042).
             keyspace: Name of keyspace to use.
             username: User for authentication.
             password: Password for authentication.
              version: Currently only '3.0.0' is supported.
            staleTime: Time in milliseconds before trying to reconnect.
    maxExecuteRetries: Maximum amount of times an execute can be retried
                       using another connection, in case the server is unhealthy.
getAConnectionTimeout: Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a connection from the pool.

Queries are performed using the execute() method. For example:

// Reading
cqlClient.execute('SELECT key, email, last_name FROM user_profiles WHERE key=?', ['jbay'],
  function(err, result) {
    if (err) console.log('execute failed');
    else console.log('got user profile with email ' + result.rows[0].get('email'));

// Writing
cqlClient.execute('UPDATE user_profiles SET email=? WHERE key=?', ['my@email.com', 'jbay'], 
  function(err) {
    if (err) console.log("failure");
    else console.log("success");

execute() accepts the following arguments

    cqlQuery : The cql query to execute, with ? as parameters
    arguments: Array of arguments that will replace the ? placeholders, can be null.
 consistency : The level of consistency.
    callback : The callback function with 2 arguments: err and result

When you are finished with a Client instance, call shutdown(callback). Shutting down the pool prevents further work from being enqueued, and closes all open connections after pending requests are complete.

// Shutting down a pool
cqlClient.shutdown(function() { console.log("connection pool shutdown"); });


The Client maintains a pool of opened connections to the hosts to avoid several time-consuming steps that are involed with the set up of a CQL binary protocol connection (socket connection, startup message, authentication, ...).

If you want to get lower level fine-grained control you could use the Connection class.

var Connection = require('node-cassandra-cql').Connection;
var con = new Connection({host:'host1', port:9042, username:'cassandra', password:'cassandra'});
con.open(function(err) {
  if(err) {
  else {
    var query = 'SELECT key, email, last_name FROM user_profiles WHERE key=?';
    con.execute(query, ['jbay'], function(err, result){
      if (err) console.log('execute failed');
      else console.log('got user profile with email ' + result.rows[0].get('email'));


Instances of Client() and Connection() are EventEmitter's and emit log events:

var Connection = require('node-cassandra-cql').Connection;
var con = new Connection({host:'host1', port:9042, keyspace:'Keyspace1'});
con.on('log', function(level, message) {
  console.log('log event: %s -- %j', level, message);

The level being passed to the listener can be info or error.

Data types

Cassandra's bigint data types are parsed as int64.

List / Set datatypes are encoded from / decoded to Javascript Arrays.

Map datatype are encoded from / decoded to Javascript objects with keys as props.

Decimal and Varint are not parsed yet, they are yielded as byte Buffers.


node-cassandra-cql is distributed under the MIT license.


Feel free to join in if you feel like helping this project progress!


FrameReader and FrameWriter are based on node-cql3's FrameBuilder and FrameParser.