
My personally preferred node.js webapp scaffold: Node.js + ExpressJS + Nunjucks Templates + SASS + Mocha/Chai/Karma + Svelte based frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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An ever changing personal preference Node.js web-app scaffolding.

Use this if you're looking to hit the ground running with a project using Node.js, and popular Node.js modules (Express.js, Bunyan logs, Multer file uploads, Nunjucks HTML templates).

To install, make sure you have Node.js (>16.x) installed on your system as well as NPM. Make sure your node_modules folder, or the NODE_PATH environment variable are setup properly as well. Tested on Linux and OSX only. Windows users will need to address the NODE_ENV environment variable.

If your Node.js and NPM are already configured, setup and installation is a breeze:

# Install nodemon and bunyan globally
npm install bunyan nodemon mocha webpack webpack-cli -g
# Get other dependencies
npm install
# Configure server environment details
cp config.sample.js config.js

# Name the project. Replace "YourProjectsNameHere" in the next command with your project name (alpha-numeric only)
find . -type f | xargs sed -i 's/scaffnode/YourProjectsNameHere/gi'

# Edit config.js with your details

# Then start the server:
npm start


(DOCUMENTATION IN PROGRESS) The scaffnode frontend is a Svelte based SPA.

cd frontend
npm i

#Build for development
npm run build #which runs: NODE_ENV=dev npx webpack --config webpack.config.js

##OR watch for changes and rebuild:
npm run watch #which runs: NODE_ENV=dev npx webpack --watch --config webpack.config.js

##OR build for production
npm run build.live #which runs: NODE_ENV=live npx webpack --config webpack.config.js


Scaffnode is setup for backend API tests using (Mocha + superagent) as well as frontend tests using Jest.

Run tests:

npm test

Which is just an alias of:

NODE_ENV=dev mocha tests/*_tests.js

i18n Multi-language support

Example language files are found in locale and example useage can be found in views/index.html.

Build frontend for production

We need tests, but until then:

cd frontend
npm run build.live
cd ..

or run a live server (concats/minifies JS/CSS)

npm run start.live

Live Deploy Helpers

Find NGINX config and SystemD service in the deploy folder. You can also use pm2 if desired, a very basic pm2 ecosystem file is provided. The systemD file makes a few assumptions about your environment: You have a www-data user+group, and that you installed Node.js with ASDF.