Walmart Unit Sales Forecasting for next 28 days

Result: Streamlit deployment of model result dashboarding. Whole infrastruction creation using Terraform and app setting using packaged modules.

Screen: Project Screen


1: You must have AWS account and its secret configured locally.

2: AWS key-pair should be generate before-hand as it will be used to connect to VM provisioned.

3: Terraform should be installed and setup on your system.


1: Download/clone this project repo.

2: Move to "build-infra" and move paste private key in keys folder.

3: From build-infra folder.

terraform init

terraform validate

terraform plan

if no errors then proceed

terraform apply --auto-approve

4: login on your server and validate if service is running or not by

ssh -i KEYPAIR_NAME.pem ubuntu@PRIVATE_IP

ps -Al | grep streamlit

if not running:

streamlit run Walmart_Sales_Deployment/ --server.port PORT_NUMBER

5: Go to https://public-ip:port-number in browser. Your app should be running now.

For other common issues visit forum.