This is a simple NodeJS + Express + React + MongoDB application. This application serves as a basic template for a mern applications.

What does this application do?

This application serves a simple MERN based TODO application to demonstrate the use of MERN stack. This application uses following technologies:

  • MongoDB: used as database
  • Express: used as web application framework
  • React: used as frontend framework to build UI
  • NodeJS: used as backend server

How to run

Before running the application, make sure all dependencies are installed.

  1. Install server & client dependencies, run following command in terminal:

    npm install; cd client && npm install && cd ..

  2. Run following command to start both server and client:

    npm run dev

  3. Refresh the URL in simple browser to see the output. As shown below

FAQs & Debugging

1. Node server failing to connect to Database

Ensure Mongo_DB_URI is set in .env file. If not, create a new file named .env in root directory and add following line:


Once the studio is connected to your workspace, MONGO_DB_URI should be automatically set in your .env file.

Alternatively, you can create MONGO_DB_URI using value present in the file .vscode/.studio/studio-env.json. MONGO_DB_URI typically looks like this:


2. Can I start server and client separately?

npm run dev starts both server and client. If you want to start them separately, you can use following commands:

  • npm run server: to start server
  • npm run client: to start client