AirBnB Clone Console

Project Logo

AirBnB Clone is a project which a replica to the AirBnB application aiming to equip learnes with various concept such as console, data serialization/deserialization, API development, Backend and Froend concepts using python.


The AirBnB Clone Project is an educational project that mimics the core functionality of Airbnb. It includes various classes such as User, State, City, Amenity, Place, and Review, each with its own attributes and relationships.


  • Create, update, delete, and display instances of different classes
  • Implement relationships between classes
  • Store data using serialization and deserialization
  • Command-line interface for interaction

Getting Started

Clone the repository:

git clone

Within a directory Open Terminal and run


Create an instance:

(hbnb) create User

Show instance details:

(hbnb) show User 1234-5678-9012

Update an instance attribute:

(hbnb) update User 1234-5678-9012 first_name John

Delete an instance:

(hbnb) destroy User 1234-5678-9012

List all instances of a class:

(hbnb) User.all()

Count the number of instances of a class:

(hbnb) User.count()

Update an instance using a dictionary:

(hbnb) update User 1234-5678-9012 {"last_name": "Doe", "age": 30}

Exit the console:

(hbnb) quit

