
An overhaul mod that brings in lots of buffs, tweaks and QoL.


An overhaul mod that brings in lots of buffs, tweaks and Quality of Life.
The changelog is pretty huge so let's crack on, shall we!

Creature Stage


⏱️Reduced cooldowns. Let your consequence abilities shine!

  • 🟢Siren Song
    • Increased range from 25m to 30m
    • Decreased cooldown from 5min to 1min
  • 🔵Summon Flock
    • Decreased cooldown from 6min to 2min
    • 💡Now matches that of the ability duration, giving you 100% uptime!

  • 🔴Raging Roar
    • Increased duration from 25s to 30s
    • Decreased cooldown from 4min to 1min

Tribal Stage


  • Removed hunger drain
  • 📝One less thing to worry about. No more buggy conga lines!

  • Decreased chieftain respawn time from 90s to 60s
  • Decreased baby grow time from 60s to 30s


⏱️Reduced cooldowns and massive range buffs. Let your consequence abilities shine!

  • 🟢Refreshing Storm
    • Increased range from 20m to 60m
    • Decreased cooldown from 5min to 2min
  • 🔵Flying Fish
    • Increased fish amount from 7 to 8
    • Increased range from 100m to 300m
    • 💡Now works even when not near water. Fish airmail!

    • Decreased cooldown from 5min to 2min
  • 🔴Traps
    • Increased lure range from 60m to 150m
    • Increased poison range from 7m to 20m
    • Decreased cooldown from 5min to 2min
  • 🟢Fireworks
    • Increased range from 25m to 30m
    • Decreased cooldown from 5min to 1min
  • 🔵Beastmaster
    • Increased range from 50m to 150m
    • Increased affected creatures from 5 to 10
    • Decreased cooldown from 6min to 2min
  • 🔴Fire Bombs
    • Increased damage from 15 to 50
  • 📝Now does some actually meaningful damage.

    • Increased range from 15m to 20m
    • Decreased cooldown from 4min to 1min

Civilization Stage


💸Removed cooldowns. Money is power!

  • 🟢Healing Aura
    • Removed cooldown
  • 🔵Static Bomb
    • Removed cooldown
    • Increased range from 64m to 100m
  • 🔴Invulnerability
    • Removed cooldown
  • 🟢Diplo Dervish
    • Removed cooldown
  • 🔵Bribe Bomb
    • Removed cooldown
  • 🔴Mighty Bomb
    • Removed cooldown
    • Increased range from 40m to 100m
  • 🟢Black Cloud
    • Removed cooldown
  • 🔵Ad Blitz
    • Removed cooldown
  • 🔴Gadget Bomb
    • Removed cooldown
    • Increased range from 95m to 100m

Space Stage


  • Increased FOV from 60 to 78
  • Made galaxy transitions faster
  • 📝Zippier going in and out of planets and solar systems!

  • Increased max trade routes from 5 to 10


🎫Yep, that's right. 75% discount for their respected tools, making your empire the cheapest to buy them from!

  • 🟢Social Suave
    • Increased discount from 20% to 75%
  • 🔵Gentle Generalist
    • Increased discount from 20% to 75%
  • 🔵Colony Craze
    • Increased discount from 20% to 75%
  • 🔴Arms Dealer
    • Increased discount from 20% to 75%


  • Increased ship size
  • Increased ship speed
  • 💡Pair with Speed Demon for even more speeeeed.

  • Increased abduction beam speed
  • Increased fleet ship health by 10x

🎒Cargo Upgrades

  • Increased base cargo capacity by 7
  • 📝Given at the beginning of Space Stage when you get your Captain's Badge.

  • Increased max stack size from 99 to 999
  • 📝Spice traders rejoice!

  • Added 2 new cargo upgrades!
  • 📝With all upgrades total capacity jumps to 42 (or 3 pages).

How to aquire:

  • Collector 1 / Merchant 1
    • Basic Cargo Hold 100K
  • Collector 2 / Merchant 2
    • Small Cargo Hold 200K
  • Collector 3 / Merchant 3
    • Medium Cargo Hold 300K
  • Collector 4 / Merchant 4
    • Large Cargo Hold 400K
  • Collector 5 / Merchant 5
    • Extreme Cargo Hold 500K


  • Reduced Cloaking Device cooldown from 4.5min to 2.5min
  • ⏱️Effective cooldown of 1min.

  • Reduced Shield cooldown from 3min to 2min
  • ⏱️Effective cooldown of 1min.

  • Reduced Colony Incredi-Pak cooldown from 30s to 10s
  • Reduced Bio Protector cooldown from 30s to 10s
  • Reduced Bio Stabilizer cooldown from 30s to 10s
  • Reduced Happiness Booster cooldown from 30s to 10s
  • Reduced Loyalty Booster cooldown from 30s to 10s
  • Reduced Spice Storage cooldown from 30s to 10s
  • Reduced Uber Turret cooldown from 30s to 10s
  • Reduced Embassy cooldown from 30s to 10s


💰Increased trade offer amounts!

  • Colony Incredi-Pak from 2 to 10
  • Atmosphere Generator from 2 to 5
  • Drought Generator from 2 to 5
  • Meteor Shower from 2 to 5
  • Ice Storm from 2 to 5
  • Asteroid Call Button from 2 to 5
  • Atmosphere Freezer from 2 to 5
  • Volcano from 2 to 5
  • Ice Comet from 2 to 5
  • Energy Mega Pack from 3 to 5
  • Energy Pack from 5 to 10
  • Repair Mega Pack from 3 to 5
  • Repair Pack from 5 to 10
  • AOE Repair from 4 to 5
  • Embassy from 2 to 5
  • Fireworks from 2 to 10
  • Monolith from 3 to 10
  • Global Mind Erase from 2 to 10
  • Species Eradicator from 4 to 10
  • Creature Tweaker from 3 to 10
  • Supersizer from 2 to 10
  • Planet Scan from 2 to 10
  • Anti-Matter Bomb from 3 to 5

🎨Sculpting & Coloring

  • Removed Sculpting and Coloring tool cooldowns
  • 🎉Planet artists rejoice! No more unreasonable cooldowns.

  • Added 8 new trade bundles that give you sculpting and coloring tools!

How to aquire:

  • Planet Artiste 1 / Explorer 1
    • Coloring Bundle 1M
    • 🖌️Includes all coloring tools.

    • Sculpting Bundle 250K
    • 🧱Includes all basic sculpting tools.

    • Terra Bundle 500K
  • Planet Artiste 2 / Explorer 2
    • Gear Bundle 500K
    • Cute Bundle 500K
    • Crystal Bundle 500K
  • Planet Artiste 3 / Explorer 3
    • Tentacle Bundle 500K
    • Chocolate Bundle 500K


  • Colonies no longer have a chance to get destroyed when captured
  • Removed terrascore building limit
  • 🏭Now can place all buildings as long as planet is T1+

  • Reduced House cost from 25.6K to 16K
  • Reduced Entertainment cost from 12.8K to 8K
  • Reduced Factory cost from 19.2K to 12K
  • Reduced Turret cost from 16K to 10K


  • Increased spice production by 50%
  • Increased spice stored per colony from 5 to 15
  • Increased homeworld spice production from 0.025 to 0.25
  • 📈Better matches the rates of a normal homeworld.

  • Increased max spice bought from 200 to 999

💮White Spice

🌺Used in the making of luxurious perfumes.

  • A new extremely rare spice with 2x the cost of Purple Spice
  • 2% chance to spawn on Blue Stars on Red/Blue orbits
  • 1% chance to spawn on Red/Yellow Stars on Red/Blue orbits


  • Increased rare chance from 25% to 35%
  • Increased max rares on a planet from 1 to 3
  • Increased rare prices by approx. 2.2x
  • ✨A great source of sporebucks, especially early game!

    • 22.5K to 50K
    • 45K to 100K
    • 67.5K to 150K
    • etc.

🪐Solar System

🚨Requires galaxy reset.

  • Increased planet moon chance from 1% to 10%
  • Increased planet rings chance from 10% to 25%

🌌Galactic Core

🚨Requires galaxy reset.

  • Decreased Grox empire size from 2400 to 300
  • 📝Greatly reduces the grind to destroy and makes it quite achievable.

  • Decreased Grox only radius from 100pc to 30pc
  • Decreased travel limit radius from 70 - 100pc to 25 - 35pc

🌱Staff of Life

♾️A real reward should be eternal.

  • No longer uses ammo, instead drains 100 energy per use
  • Decreased cooldown from 2min to 1min

💥Planet Buster

  • Reduced price from 5M to 1M
  • Increased trade offer amount from 1 to 5
  • 🧨Five times the BOOM!

  • Reduced penalty from -105 to -60


💡Pair with Green Keeper, Pleasing Performance and Pirates B Gone for even fewer disasters!

  • Reduced biodisaster frequency by 50%
  • Reduced happiness disaster frequency by 50%
  • Reduced pirate raid frequency by 50%
  • Reduced Grox tease attack frequency by 50%

🧾Archetype Missions

📝Much, much less grind to switch Archetypes!

  • Removed required empire size for missions
  • Reduced mission prices to 1M
  • Reduced mission requirements:
    • Bard - Find new rares from 25 to 1
    • Diplomat - Form new alliances from 5 to 1
    • Ecologist - Fill new ecosystems from 50 to 1
    • Scientist - Explore new non-planetary systems from 20 to 1
    • Shaman - Paint or sculpt new planets from 150 to 3
    • Trader - Sell new items from 5000 to 100
    • Warrior - Conquer new systems from 20 to 1
    • Zealot - Create new colonies from 15 to 1

🌠Archetype Abilities

⏱️Say goodbye to those nasty cooldown timers!

  • 🟢Fanatical Frenzy
    • Decreased cooldown from 40min to 20min
    • Reduced penalty from -105 to -60
  • 🟢Cash Infusion
    • Decreased cooldown from 20min to 10min
  • 🟢Soothing Song
    • Decreased cooldown from 10min to 2min
  • 🔵Safari Vacuum
    • Decreased cooldown from 10min to 10s
  • 🔴Gravitation Wave
    • Decreased cooldown from 20min to 10min
    • Reduced penalty from -60 to -30
  • 🔴Static Cling
    • Decreased cooldown from 20min to 3min
    • ⏱️Effective cooldown of 1min.

  • 🔴Summon Mini-U
    • Increased health by 10x
  • 🔴Raider Rally
    • Decreased cooldown from 20min to 1min


📝Overall much less grind to unlock crucial features.

  • Body Guard
    • Decreased conditions from 35 to 15
    • 1, 3, 6, 10, 15
  • Brain Surgeon
    • Decreased conditions from 40 to 15
    • 1, 3, 6, 10, 15
  • Cleaner
    • Decreased conditions from 70 to 15
    • 1, 3, 6, 10, 15
  • Collector
    • Decreased conditions from 100 to 50
    • 3, 6, 10, 20, 50
  • Conqueror
    • Decreased conditions from 50 to 20
    • 1, 3, 6, 10, 20
  • Diplomat
    • Decreased conditions from 20 to 15
    • 1, 3, 6, 10, 15
  • Eco Hero
    • Decreased conditions from 50 to 15
    • 1, 3, 6, 10, 15
  • Empire
    • Decreased conditions from 35 to 30
    • 3, 6, 10, 15, 30
  • Explorer
    • Decreased conditions from 500 to 100
    • 10, 25, 50, 75, 100
  • Frequent Flyer
    • Decreased conditions from 1500 to 800
    • 50, 100, 200, 400, 800
  • Golden Touch
    • Increased conditions from 10M to 100M
    • 1M, 5M, 10M, 50M, 100M
  • Gopher
    • Decreased conditions from 70 to 15
    • 1, 3, 6, 10, 15
  • Merchant
    • Increased conditions from 15M to 20M
    • 500K, 1M, 5M, 10M, 20M
  • Missionista
    • Decreased conditions from 50 to 30
    • 3, 6, 10, 15, 30
  • Planet Artiste
    • Decreased conditions from 250 to 100
    • 3, 10, 20, 50, 100
  • Sightseer
    • Decreased conditions from 70 to 30
    • 3, 6, 10, 15, 30
  • Split Personality
    • Decreased conditions from 6 to 5
    • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Terra-Wrangler
    • Decreased conditions from 40 to 30
    • 3, 6, 10, 15, 30
  • Trader
    • Decreased conditions from 40 to 20
    • 1, 3, 6, 10, 20
  • Traveler
    • Decreased conditions from 100 to 50
    • 3, 6, 10, 20, 50
  • Wonderland Wanderer
    • Decreased conditions from 12 to 5
    • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Zoologist
    • Decreased conditions from 70 to 30
    • 3, 6, 10, 15, 30

End of the line:

We have finally reached the end.
These are what I now consider essential for my game.
Cheers! 🥳