
import/export .x files in Blender 2.79 (poikilos fork allows install via GUI) (Click "Code", "Download ZIP")

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


(based on directX_blender by littleneo) Import .x files into Blender. The Poikilos fork attempts to maintain compatibility with the latest stable Blender and allows install via GUI (See "Install" in readme).

Primary Goals

  • Import anything from an .x file (obviously verts and faces but also uv, armatures, weights, normals).
  • Import .x in binary format [not yet implemented]

Known Issues:

  • Models and bones may differ in orientation from the x file (See "Contributing")
  • Animations aren't imported (See "Contributing").

-littleneo and Poikilos


Contributors have kept this fork going as seen in the commit history. 👍

The best way to help this project is to contribute code. Tasks left undone (in subsections below) are complex, so pull requests will probably be the only way they will get resolved.


Bones or models may not be reoriented from y-up to z-up and other similar issues such as bones rotated incorrectly may occur where the x file differs from Blender geometry. Since one file may differ from another, how to deal with this consistently is unknown. Someone who figures out how will likely be the one to write the code and fix it.

Animation Code

(Not started yet) The bones would have to be imported correctly (see "Orientation") first. However, the orientation of the model will probably have to be kept the same as the x-file initially (until after writing the animation frames) to avoid very big complications. Then, pose frames would have to be added to the bones (accounting for whether bones have parents which would make animations relative). Importing a keyframe on every frame may be the only way (but that's fine--users can always remove some keyframes manually to make improving the animation easier).


This project is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3 (see LICENSE file). Although the original repo did not have a license file, the plugin is also at Blender's svn and git repos, and therefore under the GPL as required by Blender Foundation for all add-ons. Any public licensed code cannot later be limited to a more restrictive license, so adding a GPLv3 license to this repo is ok.


  1. Start Blender
  2. Download & Save zip from GitHub. If you click open you may not be able to find the zip later (you must use the poikilos fork or accepted git commits in order for this method to work, otherwise copy the extracted io_directx_bel folder to ~/.config/blender/2.79/scripts/addons/ on GNU+Linux systems or %APPDATA%/Blender Foundation/blender/2.79/scripts/addons) on Windows and skip to step 3)
    • Click "File," "User Preferences," "Add-ons"
    • Click "Install..." (In earlier Blender versions, "Install add-on from file...")
    • Choose the downloaded io_import_x-master.zip (usually in your "Downloads" directory)
  3. Enable the add-on in the "Add-ons" tab of "User Preferences".
  4. The preference to enable the add-on saves automatically by default unless using an older version of Blender. If auto-save preferences is not enabled, click "Save User Preferences" to keep the add-on enabled for other scenes.



  • File > Import > DirectX

Planned Features

  • Export to .x or mod/co-maintain the existing x exporter.
  • This project is also a prototype for a 'Blender Exchange Layer' project. BEL would be a common layer logically located between an importer/exporter addon and the blender data format, that would provide a common set of...:
    • methods to retrieve/inject objects in Blender
    • transformation and selection tools between an import/export script and Blender (rotate, rescale, filter, etc.)
    • parsing helpers for new io addons
  • PLY won't be used unfortunately (it's way too slow as far as I tested) -littleneo and Poikilos [See also TODO below]



Developer Notes

  • I don't want to load the whole file into memory as it can be huge, so the importer processes the file in chunks.
  • I want random access to 3D data to import pieces, not always everything:
    1. Preprocess entire file, retrieving tokens and building an empty internal dict with only pointers, no 3D data.
    2. Call any token by name and retrieve the 3D data thanks to pointers stored in dicts. -littleneo and Poikilos


  • Between step 1 and 2 above, a UI should be provided to select, transform, or otherwise process before import.
  • I need to know the pointer position of tokens but data.tell() is slow a += pointer computed from line length is way faster. To deal with EOL (end of line), use rb (read binary) mode; readline() is ok in binary mode 'rb' with \r\n (win) \n (unix) but not \r mac.
    • Reads 2 characters for windows
    • Reads 1 character if file was produced on mac/Linux
    • On Linux, a Windows EOL (\r\n) becomes \n\n (adding an extra line)
    • On Mac, the \r in a Windows EOL becomes \n so line numbering and data read is wrong.
    • Catching this in binary mode allows support for bad newlines (mixed \r and \r\n)
    • For now it only works for text format, but the functions called will be independent of the container type.

-littleneo and Poikilos

File Format Parsing

Read Main Structure

Read Main Token Names

(any 'template', any 'frame', any 'mesh')

  • store names in a token directory:
    • token['template'] for templates:

token['template'][templatename] token['template'][templatename]['pointer'] (int) chr position in .x file (tell() like*) token['template'][templatename]['line'] (int) line number in .x file

  * token['frame'] for frame and mesh type:
token['template'][frame or mesh name]
token['template'][frame or mesh name]['pointer']    (int) chr position in .x file (tell() like*)
token['template'][frame or mesh name]['line']       (int) line number in .x file
token['template'][frame or mesh name]['type']       (str) 'ob/bone' or 'mesh'
token['template'][frame or mesh name]['parent']     (str) frame parent of current item
token['template'][frame or mesh name]['childs']     (str list) list of child frame or mesh names
token['template'][frame or mesh name]['matrix']     (int) for now chr position of FrameTransformMatrix

At the end of main structure, the script prints a tree of the data.

Read Template Definitions

For each template in the dict, populate definitions in it. Create new fields in each token['template'][templatename] according to values found in .x:

token['template'][templatename]['uuid']                 (str) <universally unique identifier>
token['template'][templatename]['members']['name']      (str) member name
token['template'][templatename]['members']['type']      (str) DWORD,FLOAT etc keywords or template name
token['template'][templatename]['restriction']          (str) 'open' , 'closed' , or the specidied (restricted) value


Allow 2 steps: preprocess, then random access to file:

  • First, preprocess the file quickly. Only retrieve main info--nothing about verts, faces etc info like number of mats, textures, objects/mesh/bone trees: 150000 lines in 5 secs
  • Allow user to select what to import.
  • Retrieve selected data, using the 'pointer' value to seek() to the needed data, then grab/parse/translate into something usable.
  • Templates are used at this point to know how to parse individual parts (the parser is adaptive).

So far this looks fast (tested on windows). Preprocessing can be important because of eol and the code I wrote to compute pointer value.

  • (data.tell() is slow)
  • Only one .x file tested, header is: xof 0303txt 0032 (windows \r\n eol)
  • I don't know a lot about .x format:
    • uuid : are the member/restriction always the same for a same uuid/template ? template name can vary for a same uuid ?
    • syntax : blank lines IN a stream of a {} section, after ; ? comments // and # IN a stream of data ? '{' and '' and '}' on the same line or '{' '}' are always unique ? -littleneo




See also