
An implementation of Resque for Parse Cloud Code

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Rita, the Parse Cloud Code job assistant. She defines, queues, and processes work on a constant basis.


First, you'll want to define some jobs:

var rita = require('cloud/parse-rita');

rita.job('hello', function(scalarArgs, objectArgs) {
  return Parse.Promise.as('Hi!');

rita.job('add', function(scalarArgs, objectArgs) {
  var sum = scalarArgs[0] + scalarArgs[1];
  return Parse.Promise.as(sum);

rita.job('updateCount', function(scalarArgs, objectArgs) {
  var object = objectArgs[0];
  var field = scalarArgs[0];
  var amount = scalarArgs[1];
  object.increment(field, amount);

Then, queue up a few jobs, providing a queue name, job name, an array of scalar arguments, and an array of Parse Objects. These arguments will be available to the job, and the passed in Parse Objects will be included.

var rita = require('cloud/parse-rita');

rita.enqueue('test', 'hello');
rita.enqueue('test', 'add', [1,2]);
rita.enqueue('test', 'updateCount', ['countField', 1], [object]);

Next, define a Background Job that will run your worker:

Parse.Cloud.job('testworker', function(request, status) {

By default, this will process jobs for 4 minutes and 30 seconds and pause for 15 seconds after clearing the job queue. You can alter the defaults with values in milliseconds:

rita.setRunLimit(4.5 * 60 * 1000);

With this module you can attain a finer granularity than simpler job systems running at every-minute intervals.