
Unofficial builds of popular MiSTer cores built using Nearest Neighbor scaling for HDMI.


Unofficial builds of popular MiSTer cores built using Nearest Neighbor scaling for HDMI.

All core licenses and original cores can be viewed at the official project page: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Main_MiSTer/wiki

The goal of these unofficial cores is to enable the Nearest Neigbor scaling method, which tends to produce a sharper image with pixel graphics than Polyphase or Bicubic which is used in the official cores.

Some known issues:

  • At lower HDMI resolutions, text may appear uneven/distorted.
  • There may be shimmering, most noticeable at lower resolutions
  • "Advanced" scaler options (Hq2x, CRT) may have visual artifacts
  • There may be other unintended visual issues. If this is the case, use the official core for your setup.


I consider this a stop-gap solution to satisfy more demanding users as the scaling matures in the main project. These should be considered unstable test builds for enthusiasts, and in time I hope an equivilent or better solution for a clear HDMI scaler becomes available without special builds.