
[Issues and Bugs Report] Incorrect crash notification

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Module App version / 模块版本


Device model and system in used / 正在使用的设备型号以及使用的系统


Android version / Android 版本


Xposed Framework name and version / Xposed 框架名称与版本号

LSPosed 1.9.2

Xposed Modules with the same scope / 与当前同作用域的 Xposed 模块


Describe in detail why the problem occurred / 详细描述问题发生的具体原因

It occasionally gives a notification about an application that was removed from the device weeks ago. It shows it as if the crash is happening right now. In fact, there is no such application on the device, it was removed weeks ago.
Screenshot_2024-09-06-23-43-11-770_com fankes apperrorstracking-edit

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