Added more features to app's crash dialog, fixed custom rom deleted dialog, the best experience to Android developer.
- 5ec1cffNJUPT
- Charlie-Mars
- CherishRx
- CoelacanthusHex/usr/bin
- danielphan2003UIT
- dreamncn@Auto-Accounting
- duzixian
- examine928
- FamilyyeAndroid reverse enthusiasts
- H3XDaemon
- hosizoraruほしぞら
- illdephyn3dBreadtruck Productions
- JasonKhew96Malaysia, Negeri Sembilan
- KingMahmudBangladesh
- KyuubiRanChina
- LaelLuo
- Lagrio
- laoxong
- liuran001People's Republic of China
- luckyzyxChina
- Monster-GM
- NextAloneBeijing
- QGBPlease
- qwq233幻想乡
- Ra1nDr0pL
- rurudo-AI
- SadnApInternet
- SecretRC
- ShellWen
- skrimixRussia
- some6508
- swd1221
- WankkoReeHong Kong, China
- WuhDaFak
- Xily9Fuzhou University
- ZQDesignedLiaoning Yiyun Network Technology Co., Ltd