
A osu! chat & multi bot. The main focus is automatic host rotation. A future main focus is user-generated automatic host rotation multis.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A osu!bot by Kitsuyo

What is this bot?

This is a osu! bot that allow for Automatic Host Rotation. It will also allow you to check someone's stats in the future.

What is the purpose of this bot?

Pretty much, just a player's enjoyment. Some people tend to troll host rotate lobbies or move around to get the host earlier. This bot will prevent that.

How does it prevent it?

The bot has a queue that it will always follow. Once someone has been host, they will be added to the end of the queue. Once someone joins, they will be added to the end of the queue. If a player leaves before their turn, they will stay with the same position in the queue, until it is their turn. Regardless of slot positions, the queue will always be followed up.

That's sick! How do I use it?

For now, since it isn't eligable for a bot account yet, there will only be one (1) lobby with automatic host rotation from this bot. This lobby will be named Automatic Host Rotation | -info with the version right after, like | EARLY BETA. So an example of the name would be Automatic Host Rotation | -info | EARLY BETA.

Why only one lobby?

rate limits .-.

What can we expect to see in the future?

Here is a todo list of things you can expect to see!

  • Lobby creation
  • Make host rotation automatic
  • Skipme command (for people who doesn't want to pick a map)
  • Votekick command (for when the host isn't following the rules)
  • If we will get a bot account, the ability to create automatic host rotation lobbies of your own.
  • Stat checking.
  • More stuff. I haven't decided on everything yet.

Who are the developers?




Aprixia - Founder of Kitsuyo

Why are you making it?

I don't really know. I want to. It seems fun, and it can help people.

What was the Startup Date?

Coding started at 4th of July 2020 Beta started at 6th of July 2020 Release started at -

Project by: Kitsuyo