OpenTok Vonage Campus

This application shows how to connect to an OpenTok session, publish a stream, subscribe to multiple streams, archive the session, and use OpenTok SIP Interconnect with Nexmo SIP Connect and Voice API to create an audio conference with PSTN users.


  • Node.js
  • NPM


  1. Clone this repo

  2. In your terminal, run npm install

Set up

  1. Create a file called config.js. You can copy the config.example.js template that's provided in this repo.
  2. Add the OpenTok & Nexmo credentials to your config.js file. The file should look something like this:
module.exports = {
    apiKey: '', // OpenTok API Key
    apiSecret: '', // OpenTok API Secret
    nexmo: {
        apiKey: '', // Nexmo API Key
        apiSecret: '', // Nexmo API Secret
        phoneNumber: '', // Nexmo Phone Number
    serverUrl: '', // Your server URL

Running the application

  1. In your terminal, run: node index.js