
A GitHub action to measure GitHub Actions workflow metrics. An enabler to put the concept discussed in the post to practice - https://www.kittychiu.com/posts/managing-actions-consumption/.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Workflow Metrics Action

CodeQL Docker Image CI

This GitHub Action provides a way to evaluate statistics for your GitHub Actions workflows. With this action, you can easily monitor the performance of your workflows and identify areas for improvement.

Metrics that are evaluated are:

Metric Unit of measure Description
Average duration second Average of the successful workflow runs, with conclusion status of either successful or skipped.
Median duration second Median of the successful workflow runs, with conclusion status of either successful or skipped.
Total number of runs workflow run Total number of workflow runs.
Success rate percentage Percentage of successful runs for the workflow, with conclusion status of either successful or skipped.

Example use cases

  • As a product engineer, I want to identify areas of improvement for my process automation, so that I can improve delivery in next iteration.
  • As an engineering manager, I want to identify waste and inefficiencies in my SDLC process, so that I can reduce cycle time and improve velocity.
  • As a DevOps platform owner, I want to identify long running workflows, so that I can right-sizing the runners.


The following options are available for configuring the action:

Configuration Required Default Description
GH_TOKEN Yes N/A A GitHub token with access to the repository. Minimal scope is repo
OWNER_NAME Yes N/A Name of the repository owner.
REPO_NAME No N/A Name of the repository. If REPO_NAME is not provided, the action will analyse all the workflow runs in the organisation.
START_DATE Yes N/A Start date for the workflow runs data set. This should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
END_DATE Yes N/A End date for the workflow runs data set. This should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
DELAY_BETWEEN_QUERY No N/A No. of seconds to wait between queries to the GitHub API. This is to prevent errors from rate limiting when analysing the whole org.
workflow-names.txt No N/A A file that contains a list of selected workflow names to filter the result. This should be in the runner's workspace folder.


After the action has completed, two files will be created in the root of the runner workspace:

  • runs.json or org-runs.json - a JSON array of all workflow runs in the specified time range for the specified repository or organization.
  • workflow-stats.csv or org-workflow-stats.csv - a CSV file with workflow run statistics for the specified repository or organization.

These are data files that then can be used for further analysis or reporting in visualizer of your choice. For example, you can ingest into datastore and visualize with PowerBI. Below are some examples on generating markdown table and mermaid diagram with the data files

Example usages

To use this action, simply include it in your workflow file:

1. Basic usage

This will analyse workflow runs in the selected repository, including the durations and success rate of each workflow.

name: My Workflow
on: workflow_dispatch
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Call workflow-runs action
        uses: kittychiu/workflow-metrics@v0.4.7
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          OWNER_NAME: "myOrg"
          REPO_NAME: "myRepo"
          START_DATE: "2023-07-01"
          END_DATE: "2023-08-01"

      - name: Upload all .txt .csv .md files to artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: workflow-stats
          path: |

Below is an example of the workflow-stats.csv file:


2. Weekly report on selected repository and post to a GitHub Issue

This will further convert workflow-stats.csv file containing workflow metrics into a markdown table, mermaid diagram, and publishes it to a new issue. An example of the rendered outputs is in this Issue.

name: Weekly Retrospective Report

    - cron: '0 12 * * 5'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      OWNER_NAME: ${{ github.repository_owner }}

      - name: Checkout workflow-names.txt
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Set dates and repo name
        run: |
          echo "START_DATE=$(date -d '-1 month' +%Y-%m-%d)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          echo "END_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          repo=$(echo "${{ github.repository }}" | cut -d'/' -f2)
          echo "REPO_NAME=${repo}" >> $GITHUB_ENV

      - name: Call workflow-runs action
        uses: kittychiu/workflow-metrics@v0.4.7
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          REPO_NAME: ${{ env.REPO_NAME }}
          START_DATE: ${{ env.START_DATE }}
          END_DATE: ${{ env.END_DATE }}

      - name: Convert workflow-stats.CSV to stats-table.md markdown table
        run: |
          echo -e "## Table View\n" > stats-table.md
          header=$(head -n 1 workflow-stats.csv | sed 's/,/|/g' | sed 's/_/ /g')
          echo -e "|${header}|" >> stats-table.md
          metadata=$(head -n 1 workflow-stats.csv | sed 's/,/|/g' | sed 's/[^|]/-/g')
          echo -e "|${metadata}|" >> stats-table.md
          tail -n +2 workflow-stats.csv | sed 's/,/|/g; s/^/|/; s/$/|/' >> stats-table.md

      - name: Convert workflow-stats.CSV to stream-diagram.md mermaid diagram
        run: |
          echo -e "## Value Stream View\n" > stream-diagram.md
          echo -e '```mermaid' >> stream-diagram.md
          echo -e 'timeline' >> stream-diagram.md
          head -n 1 workflow-stats.csv | sed 's/,/ : /g' | sed 's/_/ /g' | awk -F'|' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s%s", "    ", $i, i==NF?"\n":", ")}' | sed 's/^/  /' >> stream-diagram.md
          tail -n +2 workflow-stats.csv | sed 's/,/ : /g' | awk -F'|' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s%s", "\n    ", $i, i==NF?"\n":", ")}' | sed 's/^/  /' >> stream-diagram.md
          echo -e '\n```' >> stream-diagram.md

      - name: Combine into issue content
        run: |
          echo "Combine output files"
          cat stream-diagram.md stats-table.md > issue_view.md

      - name: Publish content to a new GitHub Issue
        uses: peter-evans/create-issue-from-file@v4
          title: Workflow runs summary `${{ env.REPO_NAME }}` repo (${{ env.START_DATE }} - ${{ env.END_DATE }})
          content-filepath: issue_view.md

      - name: Upload all .txt .csv .md files to artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: workflow-stats
          path: |

Example content of workflow-names.txt:


Below is an example of the stats-table.md file:

|workflow name|average duration|median duration|success rate|total runs|

Below is an example of the stream-diagram.md file:

      workflow name : average duration : median duration : success rate : total runs  
      CI Build : 17.00 : 17.00 : 100.00 : 1
      QA & Validation : 36.17 : 36.50 : 53.70 : 54
      Deploy to non-prod : 3.00 : 2.00 : 100.00 : 3

3. Monthly report for the whole org and post to a GitHub Issue

This will analyse workflow runs in the selected organisation, including all workflows for each repository. An example of the rendered output is in this Issue.

name: Monthly SLOs Report

    - cron: '0 0 1 * *'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      - name: Set dates
        run: |
          echo "START_DATE=$(date -d '-14 days' +%Y-%m-%d)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
          echo "END_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
      - name: Test docker action
        uses: kittychiu/workflow-metrics@v0.4.7
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ env.GH_TOKEN }}
          OWNER_NAME: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
          START_DATE: ${{ env.START_DATE }}
          END_DATE: ${{ env.END_DATE }}
      - name: Convert org-workflow-stats.csv to stats-table.md markdown table
        run: |
          echo -e "## Table View\n" > stats-table.md
          header=$(head -n 1 org-workflow-stats.csv | sed 's/,/|/g' | sed 's/_/ /g')
          echo -e "|${header}|" >> stats-table.md
          metadata=$(head -n 1 org-workflow-stats.csv | sed 's/,/|/g' | sed 's/[^|]/-/g')
          echo -e "|${metadata}|" >> stats-table.md
          tail -n +2 org-workflow-stats.csv | sed 's/,/|/g; s/^/|/; s/$/|/' >> stats-table.md

      - name: Publish result to a new issue
        uses: peter-evans/create-issue-from-file@v4
          title: Workflow runs summary for `${{ env.OWNER_NAME }}` org (${{ env.START_DATE }} - ${{ env.END_DATE }})
          content-filepath: stats-table.md

      - name: Upload all .txt .csv .md files to artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: workflow-stats
          path: |

Below is an example of the stats-table.md file:

|repository name|workflow name|average duration|median duration|success rate|total runs|
|repo_2|Custom Validation|2.00|2.00|100.00|1|
|repo_3|Long Build|36.17|36.50|53.70|54|
|repo_3|Smoke Test|19.69|14.00|23.08|13|


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This project is licensed under the MIT License.