
Node.js version of Legofy.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is a Node.js port of the Legofy Python library from Juan Potato. Full feature and API parity is not ensured.

LEGOfy aims at converting an image (no GIF support) into a mosaic of 1×1 colored bricks. It is useless but hell a lot of fun. See the example for, y’know, an example.


npm install -g node-legofy

Usage (CLI)

LEGOfy input image from stdin and send output to stdout.

legofy [options]


Name Description
-h, --help Bring help.
-v, --version Show version.
-f, --format=<format> Set output format (png or jpeg) [default: jpeg].
-q, --quality=<quality> Preset for the performance/quality options [default: good].
--pixel-interval=<interval> Set pixel interval for average color computation (higher means faster but less accurate).
--pattern-quality=<quality> Canvas pattern quality.
--filter-quality=<quality> Canvas filter quality (same values as pattern quality).

The options taking a quality argument can be one of fast, good, best, and nearest.


legofy < images/benchmark/sample-1.jpg > images/benchmark/sample-1.lego.jpg

Usage (Node)

import legofy from 'node-legofy'


Usage (Vinyl/Gulp)

Using the vinyl-transform package to adapt a Node.js transform stream to a Vinyl stream.

import fs from 'vinyl-fs'
import transform from 'vinyl-transform'
import legofy from 'node-legofy'



Initial image

Processed image


On Mac OS X, there is an installation issue with cairo not being found. In this case, you can easily install all node-canvas module dependencies through Homebrew:

brew install pkg-config cairo libpng jpeg giflib

And install Xcode Command Line Tools if you didn’t do it before:

xcode-select --install


npm run benchmark
