2D / 3D web image, mesh, and point set viewer using itk-wasm and vtk.js
- 3
is .zarr/ suffix strictly required? any other ".subsuffixes." considered (like in .ome.zarr)
#738 opened by yarikoptic - 4
Support Zarr stores not ending in '.zarr'
#719 opened by berombau - 0
- 4
- 0
How to Perform Z-scaling on a 3D Volume
#710 opened by moshecSeetrue - 12
No loader is configured for ".glsl" files when using itk-vtk-viewer in react app with vite
#705 opened by Tinanuaa - 1
BUG: "Infinity%" Loading Screen
#703 opened by tbirdso - 4
State persistence for link sharing
#697 opened by dyf - 0
- 0
ServiceWorker cache not invalidated?
#694 opened by PaulHax - 7
Embedding the ITK-VTK-Viewer doesn't work
#686 opened by EricMoerthVis - 11
The Web Viewer doesn't work
#681 opened by EricMoerthVis - 1
Performace: NRRD rendering time takes too long
#680 opened by moshecSeetrue - 0
- 2
Checkerboard Compare Memory Error
#674 opened by PaulHax - 0
Browser tab crash with compare
#676 opened by PaulHax - 1
Is there a way to limit the zoom level?
#672 opened by LeviEyal - 1
create a test for 2D image compare
#653 opened by thewtex - 1
cyan/magenta compare method
#650 opened by thewtex - 1
blend compare method
#651 opened by thewtex - 0
Test flake in CI with PR #660
#670 opened by PaulHax - 3
- 6
Geometry / Point selection
#575 opened by kevinsweeney84 - 2
Changing axes arrows appearance
#662 opened by LeviEyal - 1
- 4
Including the viewer inside an Iframe
#655 opened by kerautret - 0
compare transform support
#652 opened by thewtex - 0
Investigate reducing the compare wasm module size
#649 opened by thewtex - 0
Investigate retaining resampling / compare web workers
#648 opened by thewtex - 1
Make request queue concurrency configurable
#636 opened by thewtex - 1
Missing HeadMRVolumeLabelsSmaller.nrrd test data
#634 opened by thewtex - 2
how clear all work when destroying the viewer
#628 opened by jonSeetrue - 11
Pinch event is caught but no change is applied
#562 opened by idoRosen25 - 1
- 1
For many component data, generate distinguishable black -> colorX per-component colors
#607 opened by thewtex - 1
- 1
Indicate when the viewer is changing scales
#596 opened by thewtex - 0
Colormap selector trigger scroll bar
#601 opened by PaulHax - 1
Label image z-index issues
#598 opened by thewtex - 1
Use volumeScattering icon
#592 opened by thewtex - 0
RangeError in tests with VTK.js version 25.7.0
#590 opened by PaulHax - 0
Add NGFF Zarr labels support
#589 opened by thewtex - 0
Add NGFF Zarr omero metadata support
#588 opened by thewtex - 0
Add NGFF image-labels support
#587 opened by thewtex - 3
Cinematic Volume Rendering updates
#583 opened by thewtex - 0
- 14
Cannot find IO for nrrd file
#574 opened by idoRosen25 - 1
Optimize render calls
#576 opened by thewtex - 1
Animated slicing planes exceed cropping bounds
#569 opened by thewtex - 3
createViewer silently failing
#566 opened by bnmajor