- 1
[Feature] Support for TIFF images
#3169 opened by daker - 6
[VTU] Using VTK.JS to open .vtu or .vtk files
#3180 opened by Front-end-tao2 - 1
[Bug] vtkAngleWidget sometimes does not display
#3178 opened by jwrepo - 3
vtkimageSlice has a setOpacity value of 1
#3177 opened by ondaa - 0
[Bug] OperationError: Failed to execute 'getMappedRange' on 'GPUBuffer': getMappedRange failed
#3175 opened by daker - 7
[Feature] Remove implicit Float default type in vtkDataArray in favor of an explicit Error
#3172 opened by sedghi - 2
[Feature] Support for OpenUSD format
#3162 opened by daker - 3
[Feature] Support for TGA images
#3155 opened by daker - 3
[Bug] IPosition not exported from @kitware/vtk.js/Rendering/Core/RenderWindowInteractor
#3164 opened by jeremygau - 0
- 4
- 8
- 5
[Bug] Widget handles not pickable within vtkVolume
#3163 opened by clementDebuy - 3
[Feature] Support for IFC format
#3156 opened by daker - 1
[Perf] ResliceCursorWidget setImage(imgdataset); Setting data crashes above 120MB on iOS mobile devices
#3161 opened by linhuanfeng - 4
Middle and right mouse button interactor issue on Safari
#3054 opened by finetjul - 5
[Bug] scaling the model will continuously grow the model, incomplete model display, etc;Mobile system incompatibility
#3151 opened by linhuanfeng - 4
[Feature] Support for HDR images
#3145 opened by daker - 1
[Feature] Support for G-Code format
#3149 opened by daker - 5
After setUserMatrix, Actor become pure black.
#3148 opened by neo15201788751 - 6
[Perf] Re-rendering multiple dicom images at once
#3147 opened by shunia - 11
- 2
[Feature] Feature Request issue template sections: Motivation, then Implimentation Approach
#3127 opened by PaulHax - 0
- 3
[Bug] getDefaultViewAPI always return WebGL even if viewAPI params is set to WebGPU
#3139 opened by daker - 0
[Bug] Static vtkMapper Coincident Topology functions probably don't trigger shader update
#3141 opened by PaulHax - 0
[Bug] Some rendering tests ar not doing their job
#3136 opened by bruyeret - 0
- 2
[Feature] ImageSlice Prop3D: force consistent render pass despite transparency
#3126 opened by PaulHax - 1
[Bug] WebGPU not support strips render
#3125 opened by supriome - 0
[Bug] VR Example on Mobile Device don't work properly
#3124 opened by Sebas20oo - 3
[Bug] Unable to user RemoteView to connect to pvserver in paraview 5.13 following the example
#3120 opened by AlbertoPa - 4
[Bug] IFullScreenRenderWindowInitialValues is missing `rootContainer` property
#3116 opened by josealvarez97 - 2
Abnormal image display[Bug]
#3112 opened by HuWei501 - 8
[Feature] Unfreezing New Instances
#3108 opened by sedghi - 8
Display vtkLineWidget error when click same postion[Bug]
#3096 opened by julin927 - 3
[Bug] Memory leak in WidgetState
#3062 opened by Antti-Palola - 0
[Feature] vtkInteractorStyleTrackballActor port
#3097 opened by ajensen1234 - 3
#3084 opened by sctstudent - 1
- 1
- 1
- 11
- 1
Mobile end lag issue
#3068 opened by linhuanfengQ - 7
- 3
[Feature] Rendering with OffscreenCanvas
#3056 opened by neo15201788751 - 5
[Feature] Support for LZMA vtk files
#3042 opened by skoloCFD - 0
STLReader and ORJReader parsing obj file with incorrect number of points[Bug]
#3052 opened by luchen666 - 5
The vtkPLYReader parseAsText method reported an error [Bug]
#3047 opened by luchen666 - 4
[Bug] `vtkStringArray.newClone` raises error
#3036 opened by annehaley