
Pastebin service in haskell

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Trivial pastebin service

18:30 <sm[m]> also: a new paste bin customized/structured for #haskell to elicit more info ? eg cabal or yaml file, stack yaml file, command, output, platform..
18:32 <tomsmeding> sm[m]: building that pastebin service would be trivial, question is who'd host it
18:32 <sm[m]> trivial eh :)
18:33 <sm[m]> if you build it I'll host it :)
18:33 <tomsmeding> sure lol

This is a simple pastebin service built for the #haskell channel on Freenode. There is little documentation except the, of course, self-documenting code.

Page reloading

The server reloads the HTML pages in memory upon receipt of SIGUSR1.


Pastes are stored in an SQLite database in the file pastes.db.

Pasting from your terminal

The following command:

curl -d 'name1=a.txt' --data-urlencode 'code1@file.txt' https://url.of.the.pastebin.example.com/paste

will create a paste with one file called a.txt containing the contents of file.txt in your current directory. To read from stdin, use /dev/stdin instead of file.txt. To post more files, give nameN and codeN parameters for each file for N from 1 up to the number of files to paste. An empty filename results in a file without a name on the paste read page.

Please don't abuse, but then the whole service is "please don't abuse".