dotfiles curl | sudo sh to run all the scripts curl | fish to run the fish configuration Uses the Dracula Theme's color palette Palette Hex RGB HSL Background #282a36 40 42 54 231° 15% 18% Current Line #44475a 68 71 90 232° 14% 31% Selection #44475a 68 71 90 232° 14% 31% Foreground #f8f8f2 248 248 242 60° 30% 96% Comment #6272a4 98 114 164 225° 27% 51% Cyan #8be9fd 139 233 253 191° 97% 77% Green #50fa7b 80 250 123 135° 94% 65% Orange #ffb86c 255 184 108 31° 100% 71% Pink #ff79c6 255 121 198 326° 100% 74% Purple #bd93f9 189 147 249 265° 89% 78% Red #ff5555 255 85 85 0° 100% 67% Yellow #f1fa8c 241 250 140 65° 92% 76%