This is the Rust client library for Prometheus. The main Structures and APIs are ported from Go client.
Add dependency to your
:prometheus = "0.8"
Optional: Better performance for Rust nightly.
prometheus = { version = "0.8", features = ["nightly"] }
The crate has a pre-generated protobuf binding file for protobuf
v2.0, if you need use the latest version of protobuf
, you can generate the binding file on building with the gen
prometheus = { version = "0.8", features = ["gen"] }
use prometheus::{Opts, Registry, Counter, TextEncoder, Encoder};
// Create a Counter.
let counter_opts = Opts::new("test_counter", "test counter help");
let counter = Counter::with_opts(counter_opts).unwrap();
// Create a Registry and register Counter.
let r = Registry::new();
// Inc.;
// Gather the metrics.
let mut buffer = vec![];
let encoder = TextEncoder::new();
let metric_families = r.gather();
encoder.encode(&metric_families, &mut buffer).unwrap();
// Output to the standard output.
println!("{}", String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap());
Static metric helps you make metric vectors faster.
See static-metric directory for details.