
Declarative state handling for React

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Declarative state handling for React.

What does it look like?

var board = require('reactive-switchboard')

module.exports = board.component(
    ({ slot, signal }) => ({
        value: signal(0, // start with 0

            slot('inc'), // when the `inc` slot receives a value
            (it) => it + 1, // increment counter by one

            slot('dec'), // when the `dec` slot receives a value
            (it) => it - 1 // decrement counter by one
    function BasicDemo({ wiredState, wire, slot }) {
        return <div>
                className="btn btn-danger"
                /* when `onClick` is called, push the event to slot `dec` */
                onClick={wire((it) => it.to(slot('dec')))}>
            {/* component receives signals as a prop via `wiredState` */}
                className="btn btn-success"
                /* when `onClick` is called, push the event to slot `inc` */
                onClick={wire((it) => it.to(slot('inc')))}>


npm install --save -E reactive-switchboard kefir

Getting started