
RLCodebase: PyTorch Codebase For Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Primary LanguagePython


RLCodebase is a modularized codebase for deep reinforcement learning algorithms based on PyTorch. This repo aims to provide an user-friendly reinforcement learning codebase for beginners to get started and for researchers to try their ideas quickly and efficiently.

For now, it has implemented DQN(PER), A2C, PPO, DDPG, TD3 and SAC algorithms, and supports OpenAI Gym and Procgen environments.


The design of RLCodebase is shown as below.


  • Config: Config is a class that contains parameters for reinforcement learning algorithms such as discount factor, learning rate, etc. and general configurations such as random seed, saving path, etc.
  • Agent: Agent is a wrapped class that controls the workflow of reinforcement learning algorithms like a manager. It's responsible for the interactions among submodules (policy, environment, memory).
  • Policy: Policy tells us what action to taken given a state. It also implements a function that defines how to update the model given a batch of data.
  • Environment: Environment is designed to be a vectorized gym environment. Here we use gym wrappers from OpenAI baselines for convenient implementations.
  • Memory: Memory stores data needed for improving our model.


All required packages have been included in setup.py and requirements.txt. To install RLCodebase, follow

# create virtual env
conda create -n rlcodebase python=3.6
conda activate rlcodebase

# install rlcodebase
git clone git@github.com:KarlXing/RLCodebase.git RLCodebase
cd RLCodebase
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt

# try it
python example_a2c.py

Supported Algorithms

  • DQN (PER)
  • A2C
  • PPO
  • DDPG
  • TD3
  • SAC

Supported Environments (tested)

  • Atari
  • Mujoco
  • PyBullet
  • Procgen


1. PPO & A2C In Atari Games

2. DDPG & TD3 & SAC In Pybullet Environments

3. DQN & DQN+PER In PongNoFrameskip-v4

4. Procgen


Please use the bibtex below if you want to cite this repository in your publications:

  author = {Jinwei Xing},
  title = {RLCodebase: PyTorch Codebase For Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms},
  year = {2020},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/KarlXing/RLCodebase}},

References for implementation and design

RLCodebase is inspired by resources below.