
The TES analysis MATLab files used to generate plots and create level 2 products. Presented at AGU and AMS

Primary LanguageMatlab


During the summer of 2015 I worked as an Ernest F Hollings Research Fellow at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth Systm Research Laboratory with Dr. Owen Cooper. I spent the summer crunching through everything TES had to offer on the global ozone as seen from satellites. We focused on the Lite files, which parsed out a lot of the instrument metadata, but there were literally millions of invididual data points to by regridded and mapped, hopefully into something useful (or at least pretty to look at). We also discovered processing artifacts of the data workup done by JPL and got to the limit of usability on satellite data.

Dr. Tracey Holloway, University of Wisconsin - Madison (and my old boss) and I had a small disagreement on the usability of ground level satellite data. I am in the camp that says it's model a priori at best, and mostly garbage at worst. She is more optimistic on different instruments. What can be seen is that TES has a lot going for it, but thar be dragons in spatial resolution and long timescale trend analysis. The people at JPL do a really nice job, though.

The TES analysis MATLab files used to generate plots and create level 2 products. I presented the research at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco and at the 2016 American Meteorological Society meeting in New Orleans, both in oral and poster presentation form. My oral presentation slides are available upon request.

If you want to use the code you can send me an email. It's horribly commented because I was working with it everyday for 3 months and it turned into complete spaghetti by the time I was done. There's functionality there but you'll have to trust me. It really should be like 3 or 4 different matlab scripts but ah well.

Thanks to Owen Cooper, John Worden, and the Hollings Boulder crew. And Creighton.

Open License