
A daemon for simple statistics functionality.

Primary LanguageC



Mac OS X

brew install gnuplot


apt-get install gnuplot

AF_UNIX Address


General Packet Format

Note: each box is 4 bytes.

Type Codes

0 - Initialization Request (IREQ)
The client sends an intialization packet in order to instruct the daemon to prepare for subsequent data feeds. All other attributes in the packet are insignificant.

1 - Initialization Response (IRES)
The ID field is the ID that the daemon allocates for the clients. All subsequent communications have to carry this ID in order for the daemon to function correctly.

2 - Data Feed (DATA)
The first 8 bytes are for the X variable, the second 8 bytes are for the Y variable (both encoded as double).
....| X | Y |

3 - Stats Request (SREQ)
Ask the daemon to return a summary of the data. Only the ID attribute is significant in this type of packet.

4 - Stats Response (SRES)
The response to an SREQ packet.
....| AVG_X | AVG_Y | VAR_X | VAR_Y | MIN_X | MIN_Y | MAX_X | MAX_Y |

5 - Teardown (TEAR)
Only the ID is significant, causing the daemon to tear down the resources it allocates for ID.

6 - Error (EROR)
The payload will be a string explaining the error.

7 - Success (SUCC)
A response to DATA and TEAR indicating success.