Weather application - React Native

The Weather application in React Native is allows check current weather and weather for the next few days 🔥.

🏋️‍♀️ Getting started

🎱 Hardware requirements

  • Android Studio
  • Select mobile Pixel Pixel_4_API_29 or
  • if you would like quickly look how it works you can check that in web browser (don't forget to switch to mobile view )
  • The application has been tested for the following environments
node: 16.15.1
yarn: 1.22.4

🧁 Steps to run application

  1. Create an account and log in to the application OpenWeather
  2. Create api-key
  3. Clone project - Weather application
  4. Change file's name in src from .env.example to .env and paste your key insted of " "
  5. Run yarn install in terminal
  6. Run expo start
  7. Select a (if you would like to open in android studio) or w (if you would like to open in web browser)

🍬 Step to run tests

  1. Run yarn test in terminal

🥂 Step to run storybook

  1. Run yarn storybook in terminal

⭐️ Architecture

Root files and folders

storybook - in this folder there is all configuration for storybook. More information can you find in Storybook section.

assets - in this folder there is all icons, images, fonts which are use for example for favicon in web version.

src - workspaces with code representing different parts of the project. You can read more about them in the next section.

.env - There is file for environment variable

eslintrc.js - global configuration file for the ESLint - static code analysis tool we use to keep our code style consistent.

.gitignore - list of all files and directories across the entire monorepo that Git should ignore.

.prettierrc.js - Prettier configuration for the entire project.

app.json - one of React Native configuration files. Contains config for website.

jest.config.ts - configuration for the Jest testing framework.

package.json - root project configuration file. It contains devDependencies reused across the entire project and workspaces configuration. - basic description of the project. It shouldn't cover too many details about the project development as those are covered by this documentation.

tsconfig.eslint.json - an extended version of the tsconfig.base.json that includes all JS, TS, and TSX files across the project.

yarn.lock - file with locked versions of project's dependencies.

src files and folders

types - in this folder there are modules types declarations.

components - this folder consists of the atoms, molecules, organisms, pages. This structure represents atomic design. I builed small, modularized components and then consisting of them builded bigger and bigger ( organisms and pages)

constants - in this folder there are const variables which are use in all src folder. In the future I would like to add i18 to project and then replace constants folder with another.

context - weatherContext - in the weather context I fetched data from OpenWeather api using hooks from services. I use context because I would like to avoid prop drilling and now we can take data from anywhere place in the app.

helpers - in this folder there are functions which are used in various places in the app

mocked - in this folder there are mocked data which are uses for tests and stories in storybook.

services - in this folder there are requests for api services. One hook is responsible for one request.

utils - folder for other utils files. Now in this folder there is theme for styled components.

tests-utils - files with wrappers for tests cases.

🎨 Styles

For create style I used CSS-in-JS library react native styled component and create customization's theme. I use this library because thanks for that my app has: really easy, clean and clear JSX, Themes with really good types, option to add Dark Mode realy fast and easy, Extendable base components

⚡️ Storybook

Every atom, molecule and organisms has special stories. When you run storybook then you can see all isolated components. It is really useful when we work in big team and change/add components really fast, we would like to see how it looks like without run application, we would like to create documentation or create tests for isolated components.

🌩 Tests

For tests I used Jest and react-native-testing-library. Tests is not completed. Now I added only examples, in the next iteration when I would like to develop this app I would like to add tests for other components and create mostly integration tests. In my opinion integration tests are much better than unit.