
Quant-UX - Prototype, Test and Learn

Primary LanguageVueGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Docker Image Build and Push to Dockerhub - CI/CD

Quant-UX - Prototype, Test and Learn

Quant UX is a research, usability and prototyping tool to quickly test your designs and get data driven insights. This repo contains the front end. You can find a working demo at https://quant-ux.com/#/

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Develpment setup


npm install

Running Locally on the Host Machine

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Developing inside a Docker Container

If you wish to develop by running the service exclusively through Docker, you can build a development image using:

make build-dev

This will create a Docker Image tagged under quant-ux. You can then replace the klausenschaefersinho/quant-ux inside your docker-compose file with the newly build quant-ux image. Don't forget to mount the source code after replacing the image.

If you're using the provided docker/docker-compose.yml, you can simply add the following volume mount to the qux-fe service:

      - ../src:/home/node/src

You can then make use of the following Makefile rules for quick docker environment setup and teardown:

# docker compose up - targets docker/docker-compose.yml
make up

# docker compose down - targets docker/docker-compose.yml
make down


The easiest way to get your own installation up and running is using the prebuild Docker images by Brian McGonagill. You can find the repo and instructions at https://github.com/bmcgonag/quant-ux-docker/

Manual Installation

Quant-UX has two components. A front-end (this package) and a backend (qux-java). The front-end needs Node.js (> 12) installed. The backend needs a Mongo DB, a Mail Server (SMTP) and Java (> 1.8). The front-end comes with it's own mini web server, which also include a proxy that redirects all request to the correct backend.


The easiest way to get your own Quant-UX installation running is using the Docker images.

  1. Create a docker compose file (docker-compose.yaml) and set the environment variables.
version: '3'

    restart: always
    container_name: quant-ux-mongo
    image: mongo
      - ./data:/data/db        # pth for the data to be stored and kept on your host machine is on the left side of the ":"
    restart: always
    container_name: quant-ux-frontend
    image: klausenschaefersinho/quant-ux
      - QUX_PROXY_URL=http://quant-ux-backend:8080        # this is the path the front end uses to talk tot he backend
      - QUX_AUTH=qux
      - QUX_WS_URL=ws://        # change to where the websocket server is deployed for external access
      - mongo
      - qux-be
      - 8082:8082        # change the left side port if your host machine already has 8082 in use
      - qux-be
    restart: always
    container_name: quant-ux-backend
    image: klausenschaefersinho/quant-ux-backend
      - ./quant-ux-data:/app-data
      - QUX_HTTP_HOST=http://quant-ux-frontend:8082   # this is the URL included in the mails, e.g. password resets
      - QUX_HTTP_PORT=8080  # This is the port the backend will use
      - QUX_MONGO_DB_NAME=quantux  # the database / collection name in mongodb
      - QUX_MONGO_TABLE_PREFIX=quantux  # table / document prefix in mongodb
      - QUX_MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://quant-ux-mongo:27017 # this assumes your mongodb container will be called "quant-ux-mongo" in the docker-compose file
      - QUX_MAIL_USER=mail_admin@example.com        # this should be your smtp email user
      - QUX_MAIL_PASSWORD=sTr0ngPa55w0Rd        # this should be your smtp email password
      - QUX_MAIL_HOST=mail.example.com        # this should be your smtp host address
      - QUX_JWT_PASSWORD=some-long-string-of-mix-case-chars-and-nums        # you should change this to a real JWT secret
      - QUX_IMAGE_FOLDER_USER=/app-data/qux-images        # this folder should mapped in the volume
      - QUX_IMAGE_FOLDER_APPS=/app-data/qux-image-apps        # this folder should mapped in the volume
      - TZ=America/Chicago        # change to your timezone
      - QUX_AUTH_SERVICE=qux
      - QUX_KEYCLOAK_SERVER= # just the keycloak host & port
      - QUX_USER_ALLOW_SIGNUP=true # set the false to not allow users to signup
      - QUX_USER_ALLOWED_DOMAINS=* # comma separated list of domains, e.g. 'my-server.com' or '*' for all
      - mongo
    restart: always
    container_name: quant-ux-websocket-server
    image: klausenschaefersinho/quant-ux-websocket
      - QUX_SERVER=http://quant-ux-backend:8080/
      - QUX_SERVER_PORT=8086
      - 8086:8086
      - qux-be
      - qux-be

Make sure to update QUX_JWT_PASSWORD the ENV variable to make sure your installation is secure. Update QUX_HTTP_HOST, QUX_MAIL_USER, QUX_MAIL_PASSWORD and QUX_MAIL_HOST to sure correct mail handling

  1. Start the containers with the following command
docker compose up

One-Click deployment


You can deploy an instance of Quant UX with few clicks and minimal configuration on cloud service provider of your choice.

Deploy on Elestio


You can deploy an instance of Quant UX with one click on RepoCloud.



You can find a kubernets configuration here https://github.com/engmsilva/quant-ux-k8s/tree/master/k8s


  • Install Mongo DB (> 4.4)

  • Install Java (1.8)

  • Checkout the backend

git clone https://github.com/KlausSchaefers/qux-java.git
  • This contains already a compiled version of the backend in the release folder

  • Edit the matc.conf file to setup the correct mongo and mails server details. More details can be found here: https://github.com/KlausSchaefers/qux-java

  • Start the server, or install as a service in Linux.

java -jar release/matc.jar -Xmx2g -conf matc.conf -instances 1


  • Install Node.js (> 12)

  • Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/KlausSchaefers/quant-ux.git
  • Install all dependecies:
npm install
  • Build
npm run build

Config front-end

  • Set the proxy server url as an ENV variable
export QUX_PROXY_URL=https://your.quant-ux.server.com // backend host

export QUX_WS_URL= wss.quant-ux.server.com // web socket server

  • Start
node server/start.js

Reverse Proxy

Now you should have a running system. It is not secure yet. The best is to put both behind a NGINX reverse proxy, which handles SSL.

You can use https://letsencrypt.org/ to create SSL certificates