
Sunzi recipes for setting up an Ubuntu 12.04 server with Twitcoin

Primary LanguageShell

Twitcoin Server Provisioning Recipes

These Sunzi recipes are used for the setup and the initial deployment of Twitcoin. See here the Twitcoin source code. The recipes are targeted at a bare Ubuntu 12.04 server.


Make sure that you have Sunzi installed on your system:

gem install sunzi

Assumptions / Prerequisites

  • Ubuntu 12.04 server
  • SSH access to this very server as root user (or rather a sudoer)


Go into the twitcoin-deploy top directory and run one of the following commands (depending on what kind of user you have) from your shell:

sunzi deploy root@example.com


sunzi deploy user@example.com --sudo


The main script is install.sh. There you can change which recipes are executed, do customizations, and so on.

The recipes reside in the (surprise!) recipes/ directory.

Please consult the Sunzi documentation to learn more about how to work with these recipes or how to create new ones.